Wednesday with a Writer

Thank you for all of your comments about last weeks conversation with my friend Charles Martin. Here is a little more for you to enjoy…

Charles, thanks for being with us again this week. Okay writer’s all have different ways they write. What does your writing schedule look like?

I’m best early in the morning. Like 4-7. Then we get the kids to school and I’ll getcharles_martin_web1 back to it from 9 or 10 til 2pm. By then, I’m cooked. My seat has had all it can take. I don’t write at night. Too tired. I’m a morning person and if you ask Christy she’ll tell you I turn into a pumpkin about 6pm.

Okay, now for a few “fun” questions.

What do you have on top of your desk?

A printer. A computer monitor. A warmish cup of coffee. A bunch of crap in one corner I don’t feel like dealing with. Stuff to be filed. Paid bills. A letter that needs to get into the mailbox in a few minutes. An empty Fresca can. A handheld recorder. My grandfather’s pipe. Two pencils with broken leads. The reflection of a Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid poster. And, the sound of Chris Tomlin’s latest cd. šŸ˜‰

What do you have to drink or eat while you write?

Coffee, and lots of it. But my addiction is Perrier. You didn’t ask me what was next to my desk.

If you could write anyone’s story who would it be?

King David.

If any of your books could be a movie which one would you want to see on the big screen and who would you pick to star in it?

Any of them and I have no idea. To be honest, I’ve not spent much time placing actors into my characters faces. I very much hope they (my stories) are turned into movies, but so does every other writer on the planet. I’m hopeful. You know anyone?

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, Iā€™m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.