Bursting Forth

The bank by the cove is demanding attention. It is splattered with a fiesta of fuchsia coming from the azaleas. The snowball viburnum, that the deer apparently thought I had purchased for their dinner, has pressed through the ravages of trauma and Winter and one lone snow puff ball of white has emerged victorious. The […]
Heart Lessons on the Pickleball Court

I was unprepared for all Pickleball would reveal about the world around me and in me. I thought I was just going to engage in an activity for the more mature season of life I had recently entered. I did not know that I would discover that maturity is not a number. Not by a […]
My Introduction to the World of Sports

How hard can it be, right? A miniature tennis court. An oversized ping pong paddle. And a virtual wiffle ball. Oh, but do not be fooled my friend, Pickleball is a study in human behavior and inner issues. It ranges from the simple fan to the extreme fanatic. The former tennis player to the present […]
The Architect & Me: Part #28 It Is Real

The ding announced a message. I looked down to see the beginning of a house. A real, live house. My new neighbor, who had come with her husband to introduce themselves when we had gone to see the foundation, lives across the cove and has the perfect view of our lot. She wanted to let […]
Denise’s Strawberry Anniversary Cake

Every spring Philly and I celebrate our anniversary. I don’t bake. No, seriously, I don’t bake. But a few years ago, in a pinch, because the lady who made our wedding cake couldn’t make our annual anniversary one I found my own recipe. It is so easy! For all you non-bakers I promise even you can […]
Maundy Thursday

It was their last supper together. Jesus and the twelve. This time together breaking bread was different. Jesus gets up right smack dab in the middle of the meal – Takes off his outer garments. Wraps a towel around His waist. Fills a basin with water. And begins to wash his disciple’s feet. Even the […]
Do It Afraid

If you look really close at this picture, you can see the fear in my eyes and the fear in my smile. Fear is a thief. I’ve known him a long time. At times I’ve allowed him to rummage through my chest of drawers taking some priceless items. Other times I’ve attacked him with vengeance […]
New Year’s Eve 2020

Sitting here with a cup of hot tea, on the last day before the Christmas tree comes down, I take a few minutes to ponder, as I do on this day each year, the ways God has been present, real, working… On some days it feels as if 2020 has mocked us. It came in […]
Can you still love me if I didn’t vote like you?

Can you still love me if I didn’t vote like you? That’s an elephant in the room question that will be hovering over our holiday meals, lingering inside our sanctuaries and meandering the halls of our office buildings (if you actually still go to yours) for a while. What has been shocking has been many […]
Moving In

Unpacking boxes is like trying to chew edamame. It only seems to grow. When I finally got all of the boxes out of the bedroom, I realized I had simply put half of them in the hallway. There’s a different smell here. A mixture of fresh paint and strangers. Poor Sophie has sniffed every orifice […]