Wednesday with a Writer

I wanted to share some more of my friend Eva Marie with you. We started her interview on her new book Things Left Unspoken last week and want to continue that with her this week. Most of this is mindless stuff to go along with the theme of her book, because her main character is redecorating. But our first question is in regards to her readers.


eva-marie-everson-author-photoEvery writer wants their readers to leave with something. What is your desire for us?

This story is about legacy … about what you leave behind. You will leave something behind, whether you want to or not. Make sure its strong. Good. Something you can leave behind and know that God will say, “Job well done.”

Your book deals with relationships and marriage and the challenges that come with them, and since it’s June, the month of weddings, do you mind sharing with us how you met your husband?

LOL. At work. I thought he was a nice guy but I would have never dreamed we’d date … much less marry! (Did you know I proposed???)

What do you think people’s biggest misconception is about marriage?

That’s it’s all sex and roses. It’s mostly guns and roses! (LOL) No, seriously … I think what people don’t REALIZE, is that marriage is a covenant. It should not be entered into hastily nor broken without thinking it through to the nth degree. It’s not just the two of you. It’s the two of you and God. God understands there are reasons for breaking that vow … but I believe He hopes we see the validity and the beauty of what marriage represents.

Okay- here are a few fun questions. Your main character is renovating her family home.

So, which room in your house needs a makeover now- We’ve practically done every room in this house …. ummmmm!!!! OH! The master bath’s ceiling was damaged during Tropical Storm Fay!! So … THAT room!

Paint color you refuse to ever use- on the walls? Off-white!

Biggest Interior design mistake you ever made- I painted my living room blue once. Awful mistake!

If you had the money of Martha Stewart and her good eye, what one piece of furniture would you buy? A really expensive bombay chest. I have no idea where I’d put it … but I’d find a spot!
book-cover-image-for-eva-marie-eversonThank you so much Eva- If you want to read more about Eva’s books or just about her personally her website is

And remember, her new books hits shelves June 6th! You don’t want to miss it!

Have a great Wednesday!


Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.