VBS for Women event- Just a Week Away

Looking so forward to our upcoming VBS for Women event. It begins on Monday June 29th here in Franklin. Our special guest Monday evening is an amazing lady I recently had the privilege of meeting, Mary Kay Beard. She is the woman behind the book Rogue Angel and the Founder of Project Angel Tree.cover-rogue-angel21

She is a spunky little thing that will leave you amazed by her story at being on the FBI’s 10 Most wanted List, and laughing at her incredible wit.

Praise and Worship will be led by my friend Kim Hill. What an beautiful spirit by this amazing lady and I’m told she does a great Cher impersonation. kim_hill1_md

On Tuesday night we’ve got another great evening planned with drama, and a Q&A with America’s Health and Lifestyle Coach Dr. Asa Andrew. A nationally syndicated radio host and wonderful doctor and educator oasa_smallf natural medicine, Dr. Asa is going to take our questions. And with a bunch of ladies asking them, well, Lord help us!


Our praise and worship will be led Tuesday and Wednesday evening by another friend of mine, Stephanie Boosahda. This woman has one of the most beautiful hearts of anyone I’ve ever met. She lights up any room she enters and I know we’re going to love our time with her. dscf0575

Not sure what you’re doing next week, but if you have a free evening, or need a little getaway, come and join us.

Monday June 29-Wednesday July 1st 6:45-9:00 pm. at The Journey Church at the Factory in Franklin, Tennessee.

It’s completely FREE! And we’re believing we’ll never be the same…

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.