The Whole Woman Revolution

Last Wednesday we put the finishing touches on our fall semester of The Whole Woman Revolution Bible Study. Our series this semester was called The Author. Hebrews 12:2 “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.” It was one that was nothing but a faith journey.

It started for me personally this summer as God began to refine me farther in

My precious mentor Dr. Albert Lemmons
My precious mentor Dr. Albert Lemmons

my faith. I’ve discovered faith is like the “glory to glory” passage in the Bible. God is taking us from faith place to faith place. The process isn’t fun. But the end result is a joy!

Talking with Author of Fireproof- Eric Wilson
Talking with Author of Fireproof- Eric Wilson

And my what a precious time we had together. We had authors, Rebeca Seitz, Tina Keil, River Jordan and Eric Wilson visit with us. It was wonderful having these amazing authors share their books and their faith journeys. And my have they had them.

Two of my mentors, Ann Platz and Dr. Lemmons joined us to talk about faith as well as share their own journey of faith. They stole our ladies hearts just like they have stolen mine.

praise-and-worshipOur praise and worship led by Tina Keil and my baby brother Damon was so beautiful each, week just taking us into such a sweet place of worship. And the way they along with Kristy Spring and my sister-in-law Sarah served in that capacity just prepared the way for the lesson so beautifully.

Once again I was humbled by how our ladies served, but most of all for howladies beautifully the Lord showed up. He took us on a journey of faith that I know we will never forget. We watched as women walked in wounded and broken and left looking for those who were wounded and broken. And that is the beauty of this journey. Offering the comfort that we have to spare.

If you are interested in ordering the CD’s series please feel free to email us at revolution@

And if you live in the Nashville area and want to join us for our new study that begins in January here is the information. You can email us at [email protected] to register. Here’s to a great semester and a very present God.


Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.