A Whole New Adventure!

Hello friends,

Sorry it has been a while. I’ve gotten letters about not updating my blog over the last couple weeks, and that you haven’t seen my newsletters for a while. Haven’t fallen off the planet, just new I had this knew site ready to launch and knew it would be interactive, so I have had my head already here in this new venture. The wonderful thing about this new site is I can update it regularly. That is why I’m leaving the newsletters, because basically my plan is to upload new information as we go. So, as new events come up, I’ll post pictures and tell you about them. And as I get blog ideas, or things on my heart I’ll post them up and maybe eventually I’ll be able to get one of those snazzy computers that you can video off of! I”m sure that’s just what you need, me coming to you live from video!

But it has been a wonderful year so far. As you know I am all about being alive. Living this life to the fullest potential that we have been given. And about this time last year I got a wonderful idea to start an organization called “The Whole Woman Revolution”. The vision took some months to come together, but it finally came to fruition in January as we launched an eleven week Bible Study on the book of Esther. (No, not the Beth Moore one…though I’m sure it is amazing!) We combined drama,

Skits at The Whole Woman Revolution Bible Study


Music at The Whole Woman Revolution Bible Study
Music at The Whole Woman Revolution Bible Study


Deeann Carson, painting while I'm teaching...
Deeann Carson, painting while I'm teaching...

powerful testimonies,

Kelly Johnson giving her testimony
Kelly Johnson giving her testimony

incredible guest speakers and got to know some of the amazing organizations in our own city that are touching the hearts of women right here in Franklin, Tennessee. They are ministries to single mothers, women coming out of addictions or prison, those looking to make their mark in the world with the giftings that God has placed inside of them. So, each week we would study the book of Esther together and the Lord gave me some wonderful lessons to share with the ladies and each week seemed to get more powerful than the week before.

Author and my Personal Mentor-Ann Platz
Author and my Personal Mentor-Ann Platz

In our new “Lessons” tab, you can get information on how to purchase the series and can download the Workbook pages right from our site! Aren’t we getting technical…

Teaching at Bible Study
Teaching at Bible Study
Group shot at our wonderful outreach to the ladies at Mending Hearts.
Group shot at our wonderful outreach to the ladies at Mending Hearts.

You can also get more information about our study as well as our upcoming summer adventure at the end of June, our VBS for WOMEN! You can check out all the information on this amazing event by clicking on “The Whole Woman Revolution” Icon on the right side of the page.

This amazing event is going to feature Mary Kay Beard on Monday night, founder of Project Angel Tree and formerly on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list. And Tuesday night will feature Lifestyle and Health Coach Dr. Asa Andrew, author of Empowering Your Health. It is going to be an amazing event- if you live out of town, it is the perfect excuse for a girl’s getaway!

It has been an amazing year so far, and now the weather is beautiful and I officially can’t breathe, I can’t wait to see what else is ahead. And I’m not even going to let the pollen stop me! Thank you for joining us on this most incredible journey. May we each live our lives with passion, purpose and being completely Alive…

Take Care


Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.