The Architect & Me – Part 20: White Towels

It would be my very first home purchase and it was an answer to prayer. When you rent a VRBO or go to Watercolor they always have white towels. Because white towels are easy to clean, and you don’t have to figure out what towels go in what room, and you can just bleach those puppies and not worry about them. So, from the beginning, because of the number of guests I knew we’d have, and the number of children we have alone, I knew white towels were the way to go. But I wanted nice ones. Ones that didn’t make you feel like you were just pushing water to different parts of your body. Instead, ones that made you feel dry, and that the homeowner cared for you.

I was finishing up my sweet day at ADAC when I came across a linen store I adore. I continued my sauntering kind of day and walked through the glass door, the bell announcing my arrival. I was greeted by a table slathered, smothered, and covered in white towels! But it gets better. They were 60% off!

I learned the value of a “deal” from my dad. My dad is a professional shopper. Seriously, professional. My dad goes shopping and comes back and says, “This cost ninety dollars, but it was 65% off with an extra 25% off and then I had a 20% off coupon so I got it for sixty-seven cents.” It is a game to him. And he has mastered it. So, when I saw that 60% off sign it felt like home.

When we first began this journey, I had written a prayer in my journal, “Father, please help me find really good deals and surprise me with blessings.” Sitting in front of me was an answer to prayer. Perfect white towels that would actually dry you and wouldn’t send you to the poor house. I was getting Neiman Marcus quality for a Walmart price! I almost felt giddy over towels!

I called Philly, “Babe, so I’m not sure if I’ve told you, but I want to put white towels in all of the bathrooms, and in front of me is a table full of them for a sale price that would make my father glad I am his child.”

He gave me the go ahead and I looked at my sales clerk, Frederique, and said, “Can I get everything you have on your table?”

I saw his eyes smile behind his black mask trimmed in white. “All of them?”

“Yes, they are for a home I’m building.”

“Of course!” he said, “I’ll get them packed up for you.”

“You outdid yourself,” I told my Father as I carried the bags to the car. I could sense Him smiling.

Next door was a kitchen design store, so I walked inside to get inspiration. The sales rep greeted me. “I saw you with all the bags from next door. Are you shopping for a client?” assuming I was an interior designer.

I looked at her and thought for a moment before I responded. I had not been asked that question before. I responded. “No. Just me.”

But then as I drove away my heart responded to her question. “Yes, I actually am. He is a very special client. And I think He really likes white towels.”

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.