Our first Reclaiming Hearts Weekend Experience

When we arrived in Watercolor, Florida for our first Reclaiming Your Heart Weekend my heart was so expectant.  I was expectant that we had prepared, God was going to be exceptionally present, and lives were going to be eternally changed.  And all of that and more occurred over those three nights and three days.

Hearts came in fearful, broken, inquisitive and expectant. And God met each of us at the point of our need, our doubt, and our longings. Our team served those in attendance with care and love, good food and open arms. Regi Stone led worship that ushered in the presence of the Lord. Me and Philly shared openly and honestly about what God has been to us in our stories and Ken shared in that personable and impactful way that He so beautifully does. And God moved. And hearts were opened a little more.

As we challenged them to write their stories and as we prayed for them their hearts opened up a little more. And by the time they left, we’ll none of us wanted too! That is always a good sign.


I’ll give you just a few snippets of the weekend in their words. I think that will say it best.

It was truly a weekend filled with revelations and blessings – I felt so loved!!  It was the gift that keeps on giving. I still feel so brave and so loved and so capable. I have a great partner in God and in all of you who prayed for me and took such good care of my heart, mind and body!  Terri


I want to personally thank you for the impact your ministry has had in Laura and my relationship that was on life support when we arrived your and Kens teaching really reached us and brought hope into a new future together and your staff’s ministry to us was such a blessing to us! Brad


The retreat was a life changing experience for me, I feel like I have been in a constant state of prayer ever since I left to drive back home. God had my ear at the retreat, for 7 hours in the car, and He hasn’t let me loose yet! I am making some life changing decisions right now, and so I need to stay close to God and listen carefully. But I feel His presence is with me always, and guiding me safely through these difficult choices. I just had never heard him so clearly before the retreat. Denise

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.