Open Doors for Love Nashville

What the Lord has done over the course of the last year or so in Love Nashville is nothing short of a pure testament to the power of the Holy Spirit at work in some of the darkest corners of our city.

Roughly this time last year, Denise’s path crossed with a former club dancer who had surrendered her life to Jesus and wanted nothing more than to see other dancers experience the transformational power of the Holy Spirit.

Since then, she has entered into a time of discipling with our Love Nashville discipleship coordinator. She and her husband have graciously opened up their home to host a weekly Bible study specifically for women she has connections with who currently work in Nashville’s clubs. These women, along with other women on the discipleship team, are walking through an 8-week video study together, unpacking powerful, life-changing Biblical truth.

And as soon as this season of Bible study wraps up, her home will then become the meeting place for a 12-week long financial literacy course called Faith and Finances. This curriculum is designed for the financially vulnerable…and we’ve learned over the years of visiting the clubs that money is almost always what gets girls in those club doors and it’s what traps them and keeps them going back.

Denise, Joan, and the entire team have prayed for years for a way to encounter the girls outside the clubs.

And because of the faithful obedience of all involved, the Lord has led this ministry into a season of doors opening to ways to minister to these women in a setting where their attention isn’t being taken away by having to prepare for their next stage performance…

Now we pray that their hearts are completely overwhelmed by the love of Jesus.

We pray that He captures their attention so deeply that they never experience the desire or believe the lie that they need to get up on that stage ever again.

We pray that they grow in relationship with God, see themselves as treasures belonging to Him, and find their value as not something to earn but something innately a part of their new identities as daughters of the most high King!


Love Nashville also recently held its annual Backpack Drive Prayer & Prep Night! Summer vacations had our attendance a little lower than normal, but it surely didn’t affect the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit…

Women from multiple denominational backgrounds came together to bring backpacks of school supplies, pray over them, write sweet notes of love and life to attach to each backpack, and to send out outreach teams off under a thick prayer covering.

The regular presence of our outreach teams in the clubs continues to be of so much impact to employees. They have built up such familiarity and are actually greeted & welcomed when they arrive…join us in thanking the Lord for His continual favor as we walk forward in obedience, sharing the love & light of Jesus in such dark and desperate territory.


To keep up to date with progress and prayer requests out of Love Nashville + Reclaiming Hearts ministries, join our Prayer Partnership to receive weekly prayer points and updates. We believe in the mighty power of prayer and would count it a privilege to be covered in prayer by you.

You can sign up by clicking here. 

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.