Next Experience: Year Two Full Steam Ahead!

What do you get when you mix horseback riding, Breakout Games Nashville, and five of the coolest teens ever?

Lots of laughter and a crazy good time.

In August we kicked off year 2 of the Next Experience with a day of fun to help set a foundation of solid community and launch us into a year of making memories, discipleship, and learning everything we can about Jesus and who He has called us to be.

We’re in our routine now, as we’ve finished our first full month of meetings and gatherings — large + small group discipleship, individual discipleship, and the first gathering of this year’s service commitment. Our Juniors and Seniors are providing monthly programming that teaches biblical truths to middle school girls about modesty + identity in Christ through fashion and cosmetology in partnership with another local ministry, Franktown Open Hearts.

They did such a beautiful job and made quite an impact on the girls at Franktown…it’s going to be a great year of serving all around!

God may not have given this ministry the number of juniors we were believing for, but He sure did bless us with young women of exceptional quality — and that’s what is more important anyway!

It’s shaping up to be a great year — we can’t wait to see what God is going to do in and through these mighty young women…


Is student ministry near and dear to your heart?

There are 3 ways that you can help serve these girls.

  1. Pray. Pray that they internalize the truths + promises of God’s Word in such a deep and real way so that when they go off to college nothing will be able to shake their faith.


  1. Pass. Pass along the info of what’s going on in this ministry. Follow Reclaiming Hearts on Facebook and share in what God is doing.


  1. Provide. $300 would scholarship a student for an entire year of the Next Experience. That’s $37.50 for each of the 8 months we walk with her during the school year. These students are trying to save for college yet they value their hearts so much they have chosen to invest the time and resources into being a part of the discipleship + leadership training available to them.
Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.