Next Experience Graduation 2018

Well, the time finally came…we recently celebrated the High School graduation of our first group of Seniors and the graduation of our Juniors to become mentors as Seniors in the Next Experience.

To celebrate, we stayed overnight at a cute little home near downtown Nashville, had a nice dinner at Pinewood Social, held an impromptu photoshoot with the beautiful Nashville skyline and sunset as a backdrop, found our new favorite dessert of rolled ice cream, and ended up Salsa dancing with the entire Latin American community in Nashville and the surrounding area before wrapping up the night with an intense game of Spoons at the kitchen table.


The next morning, after breakfast, we all gathered for a sweet and intimate time together to seal our year of discipling before having the girls’ parents join us for a luncheon and impartation ceremony where they received their graduation gifts and some special words — and challenges — as each girl moves to her next season of life.

Gift and privilege are the only two words that almost come close to describe what it’s been like watching these precious girls grow and learn together as a group and individually.

There’s space available for our next group of rising Juniors to join us. My current rising Seniors are so excited to get to mentor and continue their own growth next school year…and I can’t wait to watch the Lord work in and through them!

Email me with any questions at [email protected] and read more + apply at

Until next time,




Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.