My New Hobby! Couponing!

Okay- so the first time I went grocery shopping after Philly and I got married I about had a heart attack! I mean when I checked out and the bill was over two hundred and fifty dollars I went home and said, “Babe! You’re not going to believe what I just spent at the grocery!” When I told him the amount there was no big surprise on his face. So, in this world of social media I posted a comment about how much I had spent on my Facebook status update. And that was when the comments from my girlfriends started rolling in and I began hearing about all of the amazing sites out there. Then I remembered my sister-in-law who has four children, telling me about a site a few years back and that was when I found “Southern Savers.” I have renamed it “Life Savers.”

Now, at first it was to simply try to cut back on the grocery bill. But then I found out about the “bucks” at CVS and Rite Aid and Walgreens and let’s just say “sister found her a new game!” And on top of that I have saved our family about 45% on our grocery bill and drugstore items in the past nine months

Since we got married in April I spent 3128.33.

And I saved 2515.67! Can you believe that! That is HUGE!

I’ve had some friends who tell me “There is no way I can do that. I don’t have time.” So I made Philly and his math brain figure out how much money I made an hour doing this. And he said that with the hours I put in each week- printing coupons- cutting out coupons- getting my grocery list together and grocery shopping- I make about 25.00 an hour- though I think I calculated a little high on how long it takes me each week. And it takes a lot more in the beginning then it does now.

But just to show you what I did this Sunday –

This is my stash!

The total cost of these products would have been 61.40.

I spent out of pocket 13.20.

But got back 11.00 in Rite Aid Up Rewards to use on my next visit- And a rebate for an up to 10.99 value on another Aveeno Lotion!

So I technically made 8.79!!!!

Who does that?! ME! (IF you could hear me I am giddy- and pour Philly has to look at this every Sunday when I come home. I sit it out and say, Baby you’ve got to see what I got. He says, “Who did we steal from today?”

I don’t know about you, but in this environment where everything is so expensive and I’m thinking of auctioning off my dog to put gas in the car this week…(those of you who know me know that is the most untrue statement I have ever made.) But honestly, with growing
families and growing costs, this has honestly been a gift that I have been able to give to my family. And if there is something that you don’t need – I can assure you there is someone who does. Like the “Breath Right” strips I bought today. Thankfully, Philly doesn’t need them, but my daddy could use them. Trust me, I know…We were just home for the holidays…

There are numerous websites doing this now a days. So, I’m sure you can find one that meets your needs and that you can understand. And if you don’t, just post it in your status update and I assure you a “friend” will come to the rescue.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.