The Storms of Life

I’m sitting on my back porch, while the rain blows crazy across the roof top of my neighbor’s house and the thunder settles in as background music. I should probably be inside, but then I’d miss all of the excitement. You know what I love the most about thunderstorms? It’s the way the world looks when they’re over. When the sun sneaks back out, and dances across the hills of Tennessee, everything looks so green, and the heads of my hostas stand up regally almost. It’s like the world has come to attention because of what has just been lavished on it.

I have a lot of friends sitting outside in the middle of some tremendous thunderstorms. Some are storms based on the difficulties of our times, some are storms of their own making, and others are storms that life simply doesn’t seem to let us get out of facing. I mean they are headlong, lightning crashing, thunder shaking, rain blowing in the face storms. And they’re hurting…painfully hurting.

But as I was looking out at the storm today one of my favorite songs from the movie Hope Floats came to mind…

When the rain is blowing in your face… And the whole world is on your case…

I will offer you a warm embrace… To make you feel my love.

I’ve known a lot of storms myself… Had some moments where the rain was blinding, the pain striking, the confusion rattling. But there has never been a moment in those storms, where my Father hasn’t allowed me to feel His love, if I chose to…Key, “if I chose to.”

Can’t say I always did. But as I’ve aged…wish I could stop that speeding train…I have learned to choose His love. I have learned that He would do anything to have all of me. He’d “crawl down the avenue…there ain’t nothing that He wouldn’t do. Go to the ends of the earth for you…”

So, nothing much today other than listen to this song, imagine that He is singing it to you…and know that no matter what storm you may be facing today, He has one desire, that you know He is there, right in the middle of it…

I Corithians 1:5 “In everything ye are enriched by Him.”

“God may not give us an easy journey to the promised land, but He will give us a safe one.” Bonar

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.