“Holy” Bible

His words came out to quietly behind his thick Nigerian accent as he passed my table headed to another that he was serving.

I was sitting at the table with my normal breakfast of peanut butter toast and Coca-Cola and two of my other favorite things, a good book and a few minutes of personal sanctuary.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you.” I responded as I closed the pages of my book and looked into his rich black eyes.

His white smile came across his face as he spoke louder. “Is that the Holy Bible.” The word Holy was spoken with the most emphasis.

I smiled and leaned back into my cushion. “It is. It is the Holy Bible.”

And with that he nodded and continued on.

I opened the pages of the marked up Bible that I had been reading through this year and let my mind settle on the word “Holy.” I was sure the last time I had said “Holy Bible.” I’ve called it “The Bible.” “The Word.” But I have long since called it Holy. Something about that word captured me.

“It is Holy.” my mind spoke silently. “And there are days I forget that.” It continued. And it took a stranger to remind me of the “holiness” I was privileged to hold in my hands.

There are days I treat it anything but holy. Some days it sits unopened. Some days it is rushed through as if it just another thing to be checked off the to-do list. But today I was reminded. This book on my lap is holy. And I am privileged to get to enjoy it.

Holy means to be set apart for sacred purposes. Few things are as sacred as depositing something inside of our hearts and minds that can transform us into creatures that bear fruit. That makes us look like Christ. Reflect Christ. Speak Christ. Offer Christ. And that my friends is holy.

I’m not sure the last time you’ve held the Holy Bible in the palm of your hands and read it as the powerful, holy scripture that it is, but I challenge you to. Today. Tomorrow. Open it up and allow the sacredness that it holds to wash over you in a sweet new way. Hide it in your heart. Treasure it for the privilege that it is. And remember, there is no book you will ever read that holds the ability to impact every piece of our soul if we allow it. May we allow it….

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.