He Knows My Name

One of our daughters and Philly’s favorite songs is the Tommy Walker tune, “He Knows My Name.” And I don’t know about you but there are moments in life when I need God to stop the world and remind me that He does.

            The other day I was home alone. Philly was traveling and we didn’t have our kids. I woke up that morning with my head racing and my heart troubled. Five am stared back at me from the clock. My body said, “Sister lay back down.” My head wouldn’t allow it. I got up, grabbed a Coke (No comments please) fixed me a piece of peanut butter toast and sat back in the bed to read. I was reading Matthew Barnett’s book “The Cause Within You” and was thinking about the meeting facing me in just a few hours, with the young woman who had been reached by our Love Nashville ministry to the strip clubs and it just felt like too much.

            I had been in a huge pouring out season of ministry, and was slowly careening into a more manageable pace, but for some reason I was feeling excessively weighty. Maybe it was the impact of what was about to happen in that morning time of ministry. Maybe it was an all out assault from the enemy because, well he hates anything and anyone trying to impact the kingdom of God. And maybe I was just tired because it was five am and I had gone to bed much later than normal. But no matter what it was I began to pray and ask God to let me know that someone was thinking and praying for me. In fact, I have a precious friend named Susan who lives in Georgia who often out of the blue will text me that she has had me on her heart and send me a passage of scripture that speaks right to my point of need. So I said, “Father, it would even be a good day for a text from Susan.

            I went throughout the day. Met the young lady. Listened to her story. Prayed with her. Tried to take care of a few of her immediate needs. Made phone calls. Had a lunch meeting and returned home to get ready for an event at my home that evening. My Bible still lay open from where I had put it down that morning. I picked it up. Read. And felt an urgency to pray and intercede and surrender and to do all of those things that you need to do when the world presses in and your heart needs to press through. As I am praying I hear the ding-ding of my phone announcing the text that has just traveled from who knows where to demand something instantaneous of me. I didn’t look up. The last thing I wanted was a withdrawal. Not when I was so desperate for a deposit.

            As my time of prayer came to a close and I moved back into the remainder of the tasks left to accomplish I decided I would look at the text.

            You’ve probably guessed it was Susan. With an “I’ve had you on my mind today angel girl and wanted to send you Romans 8:26-28.” I laughed and cried again – all at the same time. God knows my name. He knows where I live. He heard everything my heart has been pouring out. He understands the tension of my soul over the last few days. And He wants me to know He’s got me and has what I need when I need it. Down to the last detail. Oh, the detailed love of God.

            You know what? He knows your name too. He knows what you need to hear when you need to hear it. He knows what you need Him to carry when you’ve gone as far as you can. And He knows how to get to you what needs to get to you when it needs to get to you. He is a God of your details. And He has always and will always know your name.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.