Appreciate The Details

UnknownI know for some of you a Coke may not be a big thing. But to me a Coca-Cola is right next to my sweet husband, my mama and her friend chicken. Of course, Jesus is first and all so that goes without saying. But this is all coming back around to Him anyway.

There may be some out there who think I often “over-spritualize” things. And who knows, that may be as true and as real as the air I’m breathing and the washing machine that is beating my wall to smitherines in the other room as it is washing my clothes. (And I actually paid someone to make it stop doing that.) But seeing God loving me in my details is how I have chosen to live out life.

I guess I’ve come to the conclusion in these forty some odd years of living that I have two choices. I can see an appreciation for God in all the details of my life, even if He didn’t necessarily have anything to do with some of them, or decide to see life through a larger view finder, and potentially missing some of His sweet detailed love.

I think I got this behavior from my mother. I can’t tell you how many times through the years we’d be driving in the car or walking somewhere and she’d catch site of a sunset and say, “I know God put that up there just for me.” Because that is how she sees His love for her. Now, does God paint the sky just for my mama? Well, to be honest with you, I think that as He is picking out the hues for each evening He it probably runs through his mind along with the other cazillion thoughts running through there, “Oh, Darlyn is going to love this one tonight.” And probably, “George and Carol and Phyllis and Leo.” Who might have each said the same thing my mother says a thousand times in their life as well.

I can’t help but think it tickles the heart of God for us to see Him in the details of our life. And just like when my husband recognizes something I do for him it makes me want to do that many other things for him. Could it be that our continual recognition of His detailed love in our lives allows us to experience even more of it.

Which brings me back to my coke. On a weekly basis I would say there are four or five or even more times that I say, “Look how sweetly my Father loves me.” Because something sweet and simple and uniquely about me happens that I see as His love. And on Saturday night, when Philly and I had a date I got to see it once again.

We were going to dinner and a movie. And my what a dinner I ate. I was starving. I had been hungry all day. I mean from the time I woke up it was like I couldn’t get enough to eat. So, when we got to the restaurant I ordered a salad, fried fish, some potatoes and ate two rolls. And by the time I was through eating I was stuffed. Now, usually when I plan on going to the movies I save room for popcorn, (nasty parmesian and garlic popcorn salt) and a large coke! Yes, a large. Cokes were only meant to be drunk in larges. But that night I even told Philly. Babe, I’m so full I’m just going to have a small coke tonight. I think even he was shocked.

So he drops me off to get our tickets and I pay for our tickets, use my rewards card and the cute little ticket girl says, “Here is your reward. You get a free small coke.” I just looked at her and shook my head and smiled. When Philly came through the door I just handed him my ticket. He shook his head and said, “There God is loving you in your details babe.” I said, “I know. Just what I wanted.” I mean, when do I ever want a small coke! And it was FREE!

I know I have a choice of how I want to walk through life. And I know there are times that I could make myself more palatable to some by not seeing Jesus the way I do, or talking about him so much. But I lived with a shut-down heart for so long that tried to make those around me happy, that to crawl up in that shell again would be to honestly spit in the face of the God who set me free. And I can say I will never live that way again.

But I wouldn’t want to. I would rather blame God for a few sweet gifts, if that’s what you’d even want to call it, then to miss thanking Him for all of the extraordinary, detailed ways in which He loves. So, here is your challenge. Ask Him to begin to reveal to you how detailed He loves you. I dare you…You just might be amazed at how he does.

My husband caught an earlier flight tonight home. In time to pick up our boy for football practice. He loooooooooooves football practice. You know what he said, “Babe, look at how God has loved me in my details today.” How has He loved you in yours?

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.