The Birds…

So, it’s like a baby making factory around my house! No, has nothing to do with me, bu everything to do with the bird’s nests that are all over. As soon as it gets warm enough to sit outside I move my office to my back patio. So, when I made my way out there at the first sign of spring, I saw the two nests that still remained up in the nook of my gutter that I didn’t have the heart to tear down.

The last couple years I’ve watched baby birds come to life and have enjoyed every moment of it. So, I thought I’d save some family the trouble and not make them have to build a nest. This year it was taken over by an expecting Finch.

I noticed two of them loitering around my front patio. One is a brownish gray color and the other is the same but his head, (yes, I’ve discovered it is a he) is red. I have never in the years I’ve been watching the hatching of baby birds had both the mother and father play roles. So, this year has been an entirely new experience.

I saw them both as they kept going up to the nest, so I knew they were a couple. What I didn’t know, until the all gray one took up roost on top of her s who the female was. The red headed daddy kept coming by to check on her. Caught them necking one time. I’m not joking! He was kissing all over her neck. I tried to act like I wasn’t watching but it was so doggone cute.

lovingAt the end of last week they hatched. And
by the end of this week they had gone to fluttering their wings. When the mother comes up it’s the most amazing thing. The babies just sit there all calm and she kisses on them and loves on them. But when the daddy comes, bringing the food, they go crazy. They know what he’s bringing.

And when any other birds gets within any kind of distance to their nest,
watching daddy swoops down with his red head, (we always knew they were fiery) and tells them to back off! And back off they do.

daddyWhat I’ve noticed is that I’m mesmerized
by the dynamics of this whole picture. And you know me, it’s always about something more. There is such a dependency in those little things. As soon as their dad gets there, their mouths fly open and everything they need for sustenance and growth is given. They do nothing but sit there ready to receive.

I’ve discovered God is no different. He is so willing to give us everything we need. All we have to do is be willing and open to receive. There in is our challenge. We’re often willing. But willingness won’t change our lives. Willingness may put us in the vicinity of blessing and purpose, but is obedience that plants it in the soul of us.

I can be willing to go to the gym. Trust me, most days I’m willing. But I also have to put myself in the workout room, put the weights in my hand before I receive the benefits of the workout.

How much time to we spend saying, “I’ll do anything.” Yet, we’re really not

Baby Birds
Babies getting stronger every day…

willing to do anything. We’re only willing to do those things we want to do. Utter dependence may seem as if we’re out of control. (Even though by now we know control is an illusion. And if you don’t this must be the first blog post of mine you’ve read…) But utter dependence gets us to the place where we can fly. The only bird able to leave the nest the way it was created to, is the bird who was willing to open its mouth to receive and then did open its mouth.

My little finches will be out of their nest pretty soon. But I’m certain that they will not be out of their Father’s eyes. Just as certain as I am that we won’t be out of our Father’s eyes either.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.