Changing Your Name

images-1Since this is Valentine’s Day- here is some food for thought for all you lovebirds, or desperate to be loved birds. (though you already are desperately loved by someone…)

So the other day my thoughts towards the woman at Paypal weren’t very southern or very lady like. Those come hand in hand in the south you know. In fact, I won’t even begin to tell you what I was saying in my head. After all, this was only the gazillionth place that was requiring legal documentation of my new name. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful for the man God has brought me and the privilege of sharing his name. I’m not sure in the last ten months (Yes, Crazy right! ) that a day has gone by that at some moment I haven’t thanked God for this precious man He brought into my life. However, for a woman, marriage can at times be a frustrating endeavor. It’s such a big deal they’ve made a “name change kit!” I’m not thinking a man is buying that…namechangekit_wc_350s


Ladies, here is where you hand your computer, iPhone, whatever you’re reading this on to your husband and say, “This is what I did for you.”

I have changed my name on the following:

Checking accout

Money Market Account (Don’t get too excited- last I checked I earned six bucks in interest!)

Social Security Card

Driver’s License (Going to the Tennessee Department of Safety alone affords me one mega valentine this year- and that’s all I’m saying about that!)

Kroger Plus Card


Southwest-American-Delta Airline frequent Flier Cards

Harris Teeter Card

Hallmark Card

All Insurance Providers

All regular monthly bills-

And that is all that I can remember right now! So, just in case you’re wondering, marriage is sweet, a gift and all that, but for the woman, let’s just say it can be a royal pain in the patooty! images-2


But as I was reading in Genesis 17 this morning, a passage I have taught on many times, came to new light. I was reading about Abrams name change to Abraham. And the reference to verse five in the Spirit Filled Life Bible NKJV reads this way  “Name changes correspond to either character change or a major call from God.” As I read this I thought of my journey over the last ten months.

Being a wife these past ten months has honestly been one of the easiest things I’ve ever done. Being a “bonus” mom has by far been one of the hardest. Not because they aren’t wonderful kids, but kids like marriage cause all our stuff to come out. Yet, with this new adventure God changed my name. Because He was calling me into a major call from Him. There have been days I’ve felt so inadequate. Days like Abraham (who waited fifteen years after his name change for the promise of that new name to be fulfilled and became the father of Isaac) that I wonder how long it will take for the return, but yet I am reminded that name changes, when God does them are a powerful thing.

I know a lot of people who try to change their own names. Whether by marrying the person they choose fit, by living in places of perpetual brokenness, self-pity, bitterness or addiction. And they have chosen to name themselves. What I’ve learned is the only one worthy to name me is the one who created me. And as far as I can tell He does a much better job than me.

I’m not sure what your name may be, or what change needs to occur, but this I can assure you, when God changes your name big changes are a comin’! I once was Denise Hildreth, the single girl, do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whomever you want. Now I am Denise Jones, wife, “bonus-mom”, coupon queen, taxi driver, chef, bedtime tucker-inner, chief bottle washer and underwear cleaner all because God so graciously chose to change my name.

Do you trust Him to change yours? What’s your biggest fear? What would you really lose if He did? I assure you…nothing. Absolutely nothing…

Happy Valentine’s Day my sweet friends and my sweet Husband- Today a year ago he proposed. Grateful every day my name is Mrs. Jones…

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.