Sowing and Reaping

We had a devotional with the kids the other night on the law of “sowing and reaping”. Not sure how well it went over because there were quite a few moans, and “dad serious…” But dad was determined. Interesting enough I wasn’t even that thrilled about our devotional. I was hurt, angry, frustrated and thought, “Babe…serious. Make this one quick.” But being the patient man he is he plowed through and dug into the soil of each of our hearts.

When the devotion was over and all God’s children’s heads were on their pillow I quickly fell asleep with tissue in hand. Only to have to wake up early to go do my interview on “Better Nashville” with puffy eyes and a forty-five minute ride to think and reflect. I had my prayer CD on, probably more to drown out my head noise than to actually pray, but it came to the part about releasing anything that we had against anyone. And the devotion came back to my mind. The power of “sowing and reaping.”

I have started the Bible over at the beginning of this year and am struck by the “sowing and reaping” principle and how it was foundational in creation. God gave man the ability to grow and multiply and cover the earth. And how did He do this? Through the power of a seed. Hard to believe something so small can have such impact. And yet you can go so long without seeing what the essence of that seed produces. Having a baby from the time the seed is implanted takes nine months. Raising a child takes oh…eighteen years for some, forty for others. Birthing a new business or a new dream can sometimes take years before you see all the return on your labor. The challenge is in being faithful to the garden you’ve been given to plant. And the beautiful thing is God is always faithful to provide the seed. Did you hear that? God provides the seed. It isn’t up to us to figure out how to make it be there. It is simply up to us to keep ourselves open to allow it to pass through us.

I also read this week that Noah’s first act after coming off of the ark was to build an altar and make a sacrifice to the Lord. A sacrifice of his gratitude to how God had taken care of them. Saved them. Where did Noah get the sacrifice? God had already made provision for it. When He had the animals come in He also had extra brought in for sacrifices. Genesis 7:2,3 God provided the “seed” for the sacrifice.

The next time you wonder “how in the world am I going to do this?” “How am I going to have anything left to give?” “Where am I going to find the love, the strength, the patience, the time,” turn to the seed giver. He never runs out of seed. In fact after Noah’s sacrifice He said, “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest…shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22 He has my seed. Everything that I need for the beautiful place He has planted me is available to me. It simply depends on me trusting the one who provides it. Asking for it when I need it. And receiving it when it is given.

What seed do you need? What are you too afraid to ask for? What harvest are you desiring to have? Those are the seeds you need to plant. Do you trust that He has them?

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.