Listening to Your Life

What a perfect weekend. It’s 11:54 and I honestly don’t want it to end. Why? Because I was present in every piece of it. This morning Philly and I were visiting a church and the pastor, Stan Mitchell, took a quote from the wonderful writer Frederick Buechner. “Listen to your life.” And I realized, I’ve been doing that for the last three years like I never have before and that is why life has been so indescribably sweet.

Do you know what “listen to your life” means? It means that as life unfolds around you God is speaking through it. But it’s kind of like the old adage “you have to present to win.” Well, in order to hear God in the beautiful display of every day life you have to be present to win. So, now the question is this…are you? Are you present in your every day life, or are you so busy rushing from moment to moment, task to task, that you don’t even know what you had for lunch let alone if God wanted to speak to you during it. Trust me, I know what this looks like. I still battle  the battle of being fully present in much of life, but I have learned that God is so present in life that it forces me to slow down and listen. Because I don’t want to miss him.

For years I have wanted to dance. I mean, dancing with the stars kind of dancing. But for years that desire was shut down. After my divorce I remember talking to Ken about how out of sorts I felt. Like I was in this hole that I might never get myself out of. He said, “You need to do things that bring beauty to your life.” And my first response was, “Like dancing.”

“Yes, like dancing.”

That was over two years ago and I had still never danced. So, for Valentine’s I bought Philly and I dancing lessons so we could learn how to dance for our wedding. Well, life got in the way and we never took those lessons. Until Friday night. Friday night was our first lesson. We were both nervous. I had rhythm but convinced I had no coordination. He had coordination but was convinced he had no rhythym. What we discovered is that we both had both. Granted his at times looks a little more like the little drummer boy, it was the most wonderful night. Our instructor told us that we were in the top fifteen percent of his students. Of course that was all Philly needed for us to go back.

During that hour I laughed from my toes and danced with an enjoyment that shocked even myself. And in the middle of our instructors final words to us I remembered how long I had wanted to dance. And I heard my Father say, “I redeem all things.” In being present in my own life…God spoke. And in speaking He reminded me of how involved He is in my day to day life. When we left I told Philly I didn’t remember when I had had anymore fun than I had that night and I was so grateful I got to share that experience with him. But as I close out the weekend, what I’m most grateful for is that I was present in that moment and in ever moment between.

I was present when the the ketchup was running down my fingers from the Five Guys burger. I was present at our Hope House Board meeting when we discussed plans for the future. I was present when I took that first sip of my Saturday Morning McDonald’s coke. I was present when my husband wanted to practice our dancing in the foyer. I was present when I watched South Carolina whip Alabama’s butt! (You did not think I was going to let that go by without being expressed!) I was present during the Sunday morning worship and message. I was present when we watched the movie Secretariat. I was present when my husband slipped his hand over to grab mine and held  it inside his own. I was present in our sweet conversation about our life and our future on the way home. And I am present in this moment with you.

Were you? Were you present this weekend? Did life unfold and you grabbed each moment and savored it as the gift that it is? Or did you wish it away? So focused on the next task that you missed what God wanted to say to you in the everyday? I believe God is always speaking. Even during the 400 silent years between the Old Testament and the New Testament, creation was still declaring the handiworks of God if no mouth piece existed. And God is desperate to speak to you. Sometimes it is through his word. Sometimes it is through someone else. But very often it is in your own heart, living out your God design in everyday life. Slow up this week. Enjoy the simpleness of life. And listen…listen to your life.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.