Delighting Him

Last year when our first VBS was over I was sitting on my back porch taking in the amazing things that had happened in those three nights. I had been divorced at that time for two years. I hadn’t had a date. And wasn’t sure if God had somebody for me or not. I was sipping on a Coca-Cola, leaned back in one of my patio chairs and I told the Lord, “If you can make ministry this fulfilling, then I’m okay if it is just me and you forever.” I meant it. There are few things I’ve ever said that I’ve meant more.

I’ve had some wonderful opportunities through the years to minister. I’ve spoken at The Cove for a Billy Graham School of Evangelism. I’ve ministered in Poland and Ireland. I’ve traveled the states doing women’s conferences, speaking at churches and ministering in beautiful ways. But nothing impacted me more, than seeing women in my own city, from every background there is, the poorest of the poor, and the richest of the rich, worshiping, laughing, and being transformed by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

I’m not sure what you’ve done lately that has impacted your heart in such a way, but I encourage you in this season to ask the Lord, “Father, what would you have me do that would delight you?” Because in delighting Him, I guarantee that you will be the one who gets the real joy. God has created us for Him. He has created us with beings meant to accomplish amazing things. But more than that He has created us to show others the joy of knowing Him.

Next Monday and Tuesday night we’re going to open up the doors of The Journey Church in Building 8 at the Factory in Franklin to women from all over Nashville and from trailer parks to Tyne Boulevard. Some will be married, some will be divorced, some will be widowed, some will have never been married, some will be deeply wounded, some will be healing, some will be happy, some will be searching. And together, we will laugh, sing, cry, fight over door prizes, and learn about the Beauty that God is really after…

Need a get-away? Need a breather? Need a refresher? Need a break? Need healing? Need encouragement? Need a reminder of your value? Need a reminder of what you were created for? I have a feeling He will be present to meet every need…

Hope to see you there…


Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.