The Transition of Seasons

In five days my life will officially change. After spending forty years in a pretty quiet environment I’ll go to a dinner table set for seven. I have experienced every emotion imaginable over the last nine months, unexplainable joy, fear, excitement, anxiousness. Emotions I’m sure anyone would feel in such a drastic turn of life.

Right after my divorce it seemed that everything in
my life changed at once, my marriage was gone, I changed churches, I walked away from my publishing house and it felt like basket turnover. But there was this knowing that God was leading and walking with me.

This season feels very similar. There are some beautiful things I’m gaining, a man who loves me deeply, five precious children, but things I’m losing, my home, changing churches again and leaving an environment that has been a balm to my heart.

This weekend we took our first road trip….oh my...It was a learning experience for all of us. And I thinking there was one brief moment that I thought about jumping out the door and running up the street waving my hands screaming. But there was a lot of laughter. A lot of hugs. A lot of “I love you’s.

When we finally got home we all needed some exercise for our legs so we headed out for a bike ride. The youngest who is seven still doesn’t feel secure enough to ride with the older ones so she asked me if me and her daddy would go out with her after we were through with the older ones and walk beside her while she road. So, after we got through with the older ones we went and got her.
Her daddy raised her seat because she had grown so much from the year before and we got her out in the road in the neighborhood and he held onto the back until she was ready to let go, but she said, “Daddy run beside me.”

“I will baby.”

And off he ran beside her bicycle. And that was when I heard my daddy. “I’ll be running right beside you.” And that was when I think I exhaled for the first time in a couple of days.

There are some things we experience in life that will change our lives forever. They are big. They are HUGE! And they have every emotion attached to them you can imagine. But if you know it is a place God has called you too, then just hear him say, “I”ll be running right beside you.” He is you know. And there are times he’s holding onto the back of you, times he will run next to you and times that he’ll stand there smiling simply enjoying the smile on your face as you face your fears and enjoy the pleasure of the journey.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.