Unorthodox War

One of my favorite stories in all of the Bible is King Jehoshaphat story in 2 Chronicles twenty. He was facing this huge army.  I mean they had surrounded him on every side. But he decided to have an “unorthodox” war. He decided that this battle he would first pray. Then he called a fast. After doing these two things the Lord spoke very clearly to him.

“This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s…You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.”

When the day to face the armies came Jehoshaphat and his men decided to do something else unorthodox. They sent out men to sing praise to God in front of the army! Yeah, you heard it right. Plain crazy. Armies all around them and they send out a quartet! But as the people were singing the armies that were coming against Jehoshaphat pretty much self-imploded. They literally turned against each other and killed each other and Jehoshaphat and his army never lifted a finger. God did fight the battle.

Facing a battle today? Have someone or something coming up against you? Chosen the plan of attack yet? Decided you would fight it with your bitterness? Your anger? Your accusations? Your self-defense? How has that worked for you?

Could it be that there is a battle one in prayer, fasting and praise? I have to believe there is. I have to believe that if is worked for Jehoshaphat, it can work for us. I have to believe that in our silence, in our simply taking the position of not being afraid, of standing still and letting God fight our battles that there are victories that will be won.

So many times when we have been hurt, wronged, attacked our first response is to defend ourselves. But I have learned there is much healing in a quite repose. There have been times in life that my flesh wanted to scream its justification, its self-defense our of my own hurt or anger. But the times that I have done so have left me empty and shallow. But when I settle my soul, quiet my heart and trust that my Father will protect me, there is such a place of strength in that moment.

What do our accusations really accomplish? What does it really say about us when the only things spewing from us are venomous and vile? I think it reveals our heart. A heart in desperate need of its own healing. In those moments when we think we are declaring someone else’s extreme unhealthiness we are really clearly displaying our own.

God is more than capable to defend, protect, defeat and determine a new and better future for our lives if we’re willing to even give our hurts, pains and battles to him. It ain’t always easy…to be certain. But it is always beneficial. Because God can’t fight a battle that we’re not willing to release. He knows where you are. He knows what you need. And he knows the armies against you. Pray…dare to fast…and dare to praise and take your position while God fights your battle. Others will be blessed by your posture. And your enemies will self-implode…

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.