Amazing People

wating-dinner-300x225I spent a few days in Dallas recently with some of my really good friends. I’ve been amazed on this journey how blessed I’ve been to meet amazing people. Amazing people who I have developed deep and lasting friendships with.

(Me, Packer Wilson, Marta Mahard, Beth Kidd, Barbara James, Lou Murchison-tearing up some Mexican food in Dallas- best chips I’ve ever had!)

Yet my friends play different roles in my life. At this table sat some of the wisest women that I know. Women of character and depth. Women of prayer and passion. These are women that draw me higher, challenge me and help guide this journey I’m on.

One is my “Nashville mom.” She brings me chicken soup when I’m sick, holds me when I cry and has no trouble telling me when I need to straighten up. (I know shocker…) Another one has been a woman who has prayed for me for years. She is a prayer warrior, an intercessor like few I’ve ever none. Another is a Bible teacher that I could sit and ask questions to for hours.

A lot of times we want to surround ourselves with people like us. People who will tell us what we want to hear, let us be content with status quo and never challenge us to be more. I know, it is far more comfortable. But real friends won’t do that. Real friends call us up, not drag us along.

Challenge yourself this summer to get people in your life who know more than you do. (Wasn’t hard for me.) People who won’t let you stay where you are. Who will call you to higher things. And refuse to let you sell yourself short, when God has sold you extremely high. And find friends who love Mexican food! I don’t know, it just makes it a lot more fun.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.