
I’ve bit off more than I can chew. Which wouldn’t be so bad if I wasn’t teaching a Bible Study on “hearing” God. But when I planned my Winter/Spring schedule, I’m not sure how much I considered His opinion, if I’m simply being honest. And then I go into frantic, overwhelmed, slightly break-down, full blown tears mode and drink more Cokes than I should. And I just this weekend discovered that I can no longer drink Cokes past ten, which just gave me a whole new set of issues to be concerned about.

But what is it in us that doesn’t realize we can really take everything to God? I’m reading John Eldredge’s Walking with God for the second time and I’m reminded how we really can take anything to our Father. Even our schedule. And sometimes in His mercy He will give us forced rest. Not that we see it as mercy. We see it as a huge disruption to our schedule. But He does have a way of “making” us rest. “He makes” me lie down in green pastures.

Two years ago after substituting a class of fifth graders I ended up in the ER with two bags of IV fluids. (Have you ever wondered if you could drown from too much IV? I know, crazy, but I’m not that big and when I watched all of that liquid going into my body, it made me wonder where in the world I was going to put that- but that has absolutely nothing to do with this post.) But after I got out of the hospital I was still almost 10 days in the bed. Did you hear that! 10 days in the bed! I rarely know how to stay in the bed past six am. And yet, somewhere around the fourth day, after I had bemoaned until I was even tired of myself, I realized, “maybe this is exactly what I need.” And I settled in to simply enjoying my Father and rest.

I realize now as I look at the demands on my schedule that there is a reason God often “makes” us rest. Because we are so pitiful at doing it ourselves. Even our Sabbath’s have turned into another work day. (Please know all fingers are pointing at me.) So, I’m confessing. Mostly so that I can have a clear conscience to start my week, but also as a reminder to myself, that if I am willing to ask God what He desires to be on my schedule, that I’m pretty certain He’ll answer. My time really is nothing but a gift from Him to steward well, and oh how often I have managed it so poorly.

So, may we ask Him. May we be willing to say no, even to some thing we love if necessary. But more importantly may we be willing to listen. Because He always has an answer…

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.