A Parent’s Wisdom

Last Monday I drove out to McDonald’s to grab a coke and wondered where everyone was. That was when I remembered it was a holiday and all normal people were still in bed. When you’re self employed you forget all about holidays because no one is going to pay you for taking one. But as I was driving back through my neighborhood I saw a beautiful Asian mother and daughter holding hands as they walked up the street.

I see them a lot of mornings. The older one whose hair is almost white now, shoulders slightly slumped, the younger one stands regal like, but both walk with a slow rhythm, unhurried by clocks or deadlines. But today they were holding hands. First time I’ve seen that. There could have been a multitude of reasons why they were, but none of that was significant.It was simply beautiful to watch.

Reminded me of how quick the circle of life goes. As my birthday approaches I’m more and more aware. Everything at this point is about what age is taking or giving, depending upon how you look at it. And with everything that happens I make notes of what, Lord willing, I may one day tell my own daughter about aging and about living.

There will be the givens, “don’t rub your eyes hard, you’ll wrinkle them.” “Don’t lay out in the sun, you’ll age quicker.” “Don’t drink Diet Coke, it will fry your brain cells.” “Don’t give your kisses away to every boy you meet, because each one gives a piece of your heart.” “Don’t watch television when you can watch life.”  (Unless you’re watching Jack) “Don’t hold grudges, it will just wrinkle your brow and wrinkle your heart.” “Don’t have children at my age if you can help it because who wants a mother whose already on oxygen at your graduation…” Just kidding, I’m not that old. I am about to be the new 20!

But there will be so many more “Do’s than Don’ts.” There will be the “Do dance in the rain, clothes will dry.” “Do love hard so you will live with no regrets.” “Do dream big, because you are capable of being anything.” “Do laugh at yourself because you’re quite hysterical.” “Do cry when you feel like it, because when you’re finished you’ll feel better.” “Do play in the mud and feel the earth beneath your fingers.” “Do cross your eyes, because I don’t know a single person’s who have stuck!” “Do take time to stop and close your eyes and listen to the world around you, because I promise you’ll hear your Father’s voice.” “Do take someone’s load when you can, because you’ll find when you need someone to help you carry yours they will be there.” “Do believe in love, because it is the greatest of all things.”

I’m not sure what secrets were being passed from mother to daughter last Monday morning, but I know they had learned more than most of us will learn in a lifetime. Take it slow…travel it with someone you love…and make every day a holiday, because each one is a gift.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.