The Beautiful Gift of Brokenness

The calls have been numerous this week. Marriages on the brink. Hearts broken. One spouse desperate, another not desperate enough. I was processing all of it, praying for them, and realized that true healing never occurs until brokenness finds us. My devotional on October 15th solidified it. I’ve read Streams in the Desert for the past ten years. And I’ve never seen this scripture this way before. Job 41:25 “By reason of breakings they purify themselves.”

Oh the dreaded brokenness…Oh the beautiful gift. Nothing is truly enjoyed, truly treasured until it has been broken. The fragrance in the Alabaster box was enjoyed or lavished on Jesus until the box had been broken. The beauty of Jesus wasn’t enjoyed by our souls, until he was willing to allow Himself to be utterly and completely broken for us.

But my how we run from it. Forgetting that until we allow the Lord to totally and completely break us, we will walk around with our stuff defining us. We are all broken if we want to be honest. Came into the world that way. The victory in living is claiming it and allowing God to heal us in it. And in that healing comes the purifying of our very souls.

A friend told me the other day, “I’m a broken person Denise.” I said, “I rather be in a relationship with people who are broken and know it, then people who are broken and either won’t admit it or can’t see it.”

When we claim our brokenness, God can use us. When we allow ourselves to be broken for Him, lavishly pouring out our very souls, claiming our stuff, our responsibility in our own sin, then He can finally do some thing with us.

My devotion went on to say, “God must have BROKEN THINGS.” How wonderful is that! He MUST have broken things. That includes all of us. But He can’t use those broken things until they are willing to admit their broken and allow Him to heal them in their broken place. And then, oh my friends then…He can use us in the most extraordinary of ways.

Isaiah wrote, “The lame take the prey.” I’m claiming that! We’ve been preyed on long enough. It is time our lameness, our brokenness, is turned around on the enemy of our souls, our marriages, our health, our dreams, our vision and we take the prey. I’m thinking that is a beautiful way to live….wholly broken.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.