God Brought Them Together

I just started reading the Bible over this past week. So, I’m back in Genesis and two things stick out to me that I’ve never seen this way before. It’s  in God’s creating of woman. First, God puts Adam to sleep. And secondly, God brings her to Adam. Interesting isn’t it. God basically made sure Adam had nothing to do with it and when God was finished and woman was ready, God brought her to him.

I’m thinking if that is how God designed the original plan, couldn’t He be trusted with getting His person to us? A blog like this I would usually save for my single’s blog Flying Solo. But, October and November’s are already in the can and this is fresh in my spirit.

I haven’t talked about this much, but right after my divorce one of the prayers I prayed was, “God, if you have someone for me in the future to spend my life with, I just want one. I don’t need free dinners, I’ve got good friends. I don’t need anymore hurt or drama. And You know when my heart will be ready and healed. So, I’m trusting you with this one.”

Honestly, I believe I prayed that prayer originally because I simply didn’t want to be hurt. I never wanted to feel the kind of pain that my divorce had swallowed me with again. But as I walked that out, and watched God, so beautifully protect my heart, and put a hedge of protection around me I realized I had been given an amazing gift. I had been given a season to freely, and undistracted, serve God and the design He had for my life. Pouring myself into ministry, there has been no wasted energy on searching for someone to spend my life with. There has simply been this wonderfully treasured season with my Father, healing my heart and lavishing me with His love.

I remember the first time I went out with some girlfriends without my wedding ring. I felt naked. Exposed. Vulnerable. We had to pass the bar on the way up to our table for dinner and it felt as if every eye was on my empty finger. As we left the restaurant that night, I felt my Father lovingly whisper, “You don’t have to look. I will make sure you don’t miss what I have for you.”

Over the last two years I have talked to amazing women and men who have been in desperate searches for a spouse. And in that desperation they have missed so much of their own talents, and callings and God’s design for their life. They have been consumed with dead end relationships, while the beauty of what is in the soul of them that God desires to pour out onto and into others has been squandered and left deformed. Not reaching it’s fullest potential. And each time that a dead-end relationship ended up at, well, a dead-end. They have been left broken, hurting and wondering where God was in the middle of their pain. Their needless pain.

I’ve been very careful to not in any way try to place my personal decision as a standard for others. I have had no intentions of writing an “I kissed looking for a man goodbye book.” But I have felt the freedom to share with some here and there that they might want to pray the same prayer. To ask God to guard their heart and only let His person get through. I did however warn them, “Don’t pray it unless you mean it!”

However, what I read today let me know that it sounds like God has the same idea. He got man out of the way- and when He had his mate ready- He got her to him. Adam didn’t miss it. And God designed it. Not sure about you, but sounds like a fail-proof plan to me. Wonder what the divorce rate would be like if we would dare to trust God this way?…Just wondering…

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.