The Smallest Details

For the last two and a half years I have watched God operate in the details of my life. I always knew He loved me. But I never knew Him the way I know Him now. A God who cares about the smallest pieces of my life, the smallest detail of my life. It’s easy to believe He cares about the big things. He’s God after all. But to come to the realization that how my dog dies, where my watch is hidden, the fact that I there are some jars in my pantry that I can’t open anymore, matters to Him, has changed the very nature of my life.

If I could relay any truth to people it would be this one. That we have spent our lives missing how intricately woven into the fabric of our stories, the Author really is. And why is that? Why is it that we can know He knows the hairs on our head, that He knit us together in our mother’s womb, before we were even a thought to many of our mother’s, and yet think for some reason He doesn’t care about what is happening in our lives today at this very minute. Thinking He is unaware, disengaged, disinterested.

But it isn’t that He is any of these things, it’s that we are incapable for some reason at this moment to see Him. God is always there, always moving, we are what prevents us from seeing Him, experiencing Him, enjoying Him. My prayer is that tonight before your head hits the pillow that you would ask Him to remove whatever may be preventing you from seeing Him. Now, beware, don’t ask if you don’t want to know. And don’t ask if when you find out you aren’t willing to do anything about it. Only ask if you are ready, willing and determined to deal with it, and change it.

The word the Lord gave to me for this season is that God was doing a stripping away, so that He could reposition us for His purposes. Stripping is painful. But there are some things we cannot, I repeat, cannot, take with us into the next seasons of our lives. They will weigh us down and ultimately we will be taken under by them. So He is stripping us bear. But I also know He won’t do it unless He knows that we are able to deal with it. So, if He is tugging your heart it is because it is time for us to deal with whatever He is tugging on.

Don’t be afraid. Instead, realize this is our opportunity to assist God in a miracle. The next chapter of our stories…

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.