When I made the decision at the end of last semester that the theme for our Fall Bible Study would be all on faith, I had no idea God would take me on an incredible faith journey this summer. But, my…my…my did He ever. To the point that I’ve decided that next semester will be on “Living the Happy! Happy! Life!”
But what I can say is that what He has shown me regarding trusting Him over the last two years, escalated to an even greater level this past summer. The one thing I have heard him say over and over is that a deeper place of faith is needed because this is a season of repositioning.
I’ve received so many e-mails this summer about people’s places of faith. How God has been growing them, stretching them, rearranging the very structure of their lives, creating no option, but complete and total trust. Isn’t it fun! So, obviously God is up to something extraordinary.
So on Wednesday our new study will begin-
and I have such an spirit of expectation of what God is going to do.
We will study The Author Himself…Jesus.
The Father of Faith-Abraham
The Flawed Faith of Peter
The Faith of a Prostitute, a dying woman, a Judgmental Hypocrite, a Pair of Sisters, and some unrelenting friends.
And my prayer is that starting this Wednesday morning at 10:15, God will meet some women in Franklin, Tennessee and take us to a new place of Faith! If you think of us pray for us. If you want to join us let us know. But no matter what, know that God is growing you to place you in a new place-to reposition your heart. Open up your hands, open up your heart, and enjoy the ride.