Love Nashville 2018 Year In Review

Wow! What a year 2018 was for Love Nashville!

This year we…

Gave out over 350 gifts
Provided hundreds of individually packaged treats
Worked with four other churches to host Prayer and Prep nights
Had 9 women attend our Bible study or be personally taken through Bible study curriculum
Taught and cared for 10 children
Began sending 3 through job skill training
Provided clothing
Given furniture and delivered it
Taken women for physicals
Provided PTSD counseling
Provided marriage counseling
And given groceries

We have even ministered to many through the health situations both they and their children have walked through.

God has privileged us to be a part of the deep impact in the lives of these women and their children. It has been a wonderful year!

Our Prayer and Prep nights — where the denominational walls come down and women join together to pray over and prepare gifts four to five times a year — is how it all started.

Often they come thinking they are simply doing something for someone else and realize God has something just for them.

Our Bible Study continued this year as our ladies walked through Victory Over the Darkness by Neil Anderson and Living in Freedom: Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer. The stories that came out of this of how these women are beginning to break free and hear God’s voice for themselves has truly been life-changing.

This year members of our prayer team (pictured below Susanna and Jerry Penrod) felt we should serve these women’s children as well — they are part of the fruit God is giving. So we took full advantage in ministering to those little ones, too. That was super exciting! Philly was a hit when he thought dodge ball would be a good idea!

They finished up their study with a Mexican fiesta.

Another partner God has given us to provide ministry to our Love Nashville ladies is Freedom Reigns Ranch.

This year, RHM was able to partner with them to help finish their arena and many of our ladies and a team were a part of the dedication service. We are so grateful for Carissa and this ministry!

And then this Christmas season kicked off with the Divine Design Conference our ladies attended. Our own Trisha Wilson led a session on Faith and Finance and we are simply watching our ladies go deeper and deeper into the truth of who they are in Christ and who God has made them to be.

We are very excited to see what 2019 will hold!

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.