Love Nashville


No one wakes up one morning thinking, “I’ll go minister in strip clubs.” In fact, if you had told me twenty years ago as a bright-eyed college grad who was as naive as she could be, that she’d be doing this. I would have told you the chances of my mom converting from heels to flats was greater. Now, we know the opposite is true. And so Love Nashville and The Valentine’s Project exist for this sole reason. To go into the dark strip clubs of our city and share the free gift of Jesus through free gifts of love. images

The atmosphere this time was different. First, there was no rain. That alone was a gift. Second, the prayer had been greater. The day had me rushed and a little frantic by the time I sat down for dinner with a friend to share with her what the evening would look like. It would be her first time going with us. I shared with her some of our past experiences as we have gone into the clubs with our Valentine’s Project initiative, we finished up our fish tacos and headed for the church.

A few shared some thoughts they had as we headed out on this evening. Some talked about shame and what the girls carried. Other’s talked of the vision that they had regarding all that God was doing in hearts. And Pastor Dale prayed over us, anointed our hands and sent us out.

The air was lighter this night. Much different from the previous time a few months back, when the air was thick, heavy and oppressive. Quite a few of us went through spiritual warfare for weeks that followed. We didn’t take that lightly this time. Prayer covered was intensified to real time updates via text and twitter. (Wonder if the Twitter Folks knew they’d be increasing prayer coverage!)


The first club was already busy. The doors were swung open wide for us. This fact still never ceasing to amaze me. But I’m reminded that it is the sick who know they are in need of a doctor. Those of us who “think” we are so well often miss the places of our soul that are most diseased. But when you’re sick. Really sick. And something that seems to offer healing, hope, light comes your way, well, you want it. So you swing the door open wide.

I’ve said often, “I have been more received in the strip clubs than in some churches, or my books with church folk, or my heart by some Christians.” And so they open the door and we walk through. We’ve noticed that some flock to us. Like a moth to a light. Others scurry, like mice back to their dark cocoons. (Forgive the animal analogies, but they were all I had.)

The gifts this time were heart necklaces. They were for Valentine’s and wrapped beautifully. Many of the girls unwrapped them quickly and asked for assistance to hang them on their necks as this symbol of love rested on bodies that had forgotten their worth. They were worth beautiful necklaces. And yet they sold themselves for lustful stares and dollar bills.

We give them free gifts so we can share with them the gift of Jesus. A gift that we can do nothing to earn. We can never be good enough for. Right enough for. Perform well enough for. A gift He simply offers to us freely. Our price? The courage to reach out our hand and take it. images-2

The healing at that first club I got to witness first hand. Neither participant truly knowing what their gift had actually given. And maybe never knowing until eternity. One of the ladies on our team that night had a deep wound because of this club. The receipt was found in her husband’s belongings only after he had asked for a divorce. The receipt to this club. To view these women. And yet God had healed the heart of this woman to such a deep level that she wanted to go into the very club that had been a conduit to her former husband’s shut-down heart.

When she handed the gift to the scantily clad beautiful African American girl. She opened it eagerly. As she saw the beauty of the gift that she held she wanted to wrap the woman who had given it to her in her arms. So she did. Extravagantly. She grabbed her and held her. Fractured soul grabbing fractured soul. Both having been deeply wounded by the brokenness of this environment. One having fought desperately for the healing of her heart in order to extend this gift. One receiving a piece of healing from the heart necklace she held in her hands and the unconditional love that gave it to her. Oh, the fathomless love of God.

The face that struck me wasn’t a girl. But he was new. I’d never seen him at the next club we entered before. He was kind. Big blue eyes. And he was captivated by our entry. I’m always intrigued by who my heart will gravitate towards. I consider it the gentle tugging of the Holy Spirit. The divine appointment. The heart most suited for mine. The team that goes in, we are all very different. Some of us are more gregarious by nature. Others of us quieter. Some have beautiful evangelistic anointings. Others have these beautiful soft touches. And then you get to watch as our specific anointings and callings lead us to the person that will receive and hear in the way we reach out. And this man struck me. He struck me when he walked up to me and another one of our team and said, “You ladies shine like gold in this place.”

I’ve learned that people who recognize what we have to offer are usually at places where they are desiring what we have to offer.

A little while later I walked away from the women and asked him if he was new.

“Yeah, just a few months.”

“I’m Denise.” I extended my hand.


“Nice to meet you Joe.”

“Can I get you something to drink Miss Denise?” I never introduced myself as Miss Denise…

“No, no. That’s sweet of you. But I’m all good. You been in the business long?”

images-3“Since 1995. I wasn’t planning on getting back in it, but when I moved here they told me they wanted me to come work with them. The girls are real nice to me here.”

“Well, we’ve been coming for about a year now. Donnie (the manager) has been exceptionally kind to us. We just come in and bring the girls a gift and remind them of their value. You’ve got exceptional value too Joe.”

“Thank you.”

“And if you ever need us, there are little cards with our number and we’re just a phone call away.”

I left Joe that evening. But Joe has yet to leave me.
The other young lady that captivated me walked through the lobby with her gym bag and her little sweat pants on as we had just entered. She was petite and beautiful and so didn’t fit. A few of our team headed to the dressing room before me. When I got back there, they were talking to her. I had to interject. I sneaked through, touched the young girl’s arm and simply said, “You are so beautiful. Just a beautiful young woman.”

One of our team asked her if they could pray with her. She was reluctant, but in a moment she said yes. As they prayed I realized she had lost a child. Come to find out she had a child who was born on Christmas Eve stillborn. I watched as she lowered her head and never closed her eyes.

When the prayer was finished I reached for her once more. I needed to touch her. “Baby girl I want you to know that this is just a piece of your story. It is not the end of your story. I can’t imagine the pain you have gone through. And I don’t know why God allowed that to be written into your story, but I know your story does not stop here. This is just the end of a chapter. But God has a beautiful story He wants to write for you. You are so valuable. If you need us we are a phone
call away.”images-4

She offered me nothing. But she took everything I was offering.
I still don’t know what is being accomplished. We’ve had two phone calls in fourteen months. Not a great percentage. But I go back to the words of Andy Stanley, “Do for one what you wish you could do for all.” So we do. We go back. Thinking of the mom’s, sister’s, friends who are praying for these beautiful girls and the heart of these men. They are all shut-down. Closed off. Boarded up. But Jesus has come to set liberty to the captives, sight to the blind and He has come to reclaim each and every heart….


Please continue to pray for our team as we pray and prepare for the next initiative. Please continue to pray for the women that received the gifts not only from us, but ultimately from our Father.

We look forward to partnering with you all again soon!

-Love Nashville Team

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.