Living With Your “Ites”

I love the moments in scripture when God pulls back the curtain. There are times I wish he’d do that on my life.  Other times I’m grateful He doesn’t. I can hear a collective agreement.

The times it seems we feel this the most is when painful circumstances or challenging people in our life seem to simply remain. We’re quoting all of the scriptures from the Psalm where David prayed to be delivered of his enemies. We’re calling down for intervention. We’re pleading for mercy. And yet, the situation remains. The thorn pricks. The struggle continues. And we long to know what God is up to. What He’s thinking. If He is even on the premises. I am confident that He is. And I am grateful that every now and then He pulls back the curtain to let us know that not only is He working, but He is also protecting.

In Exodus chapter 23 He reveals just this to the children of Israel. They have a promise. We do too. God has given all of us promises. Some of those are revealed through His word to us, other’s He has given us through prophetic words spoken over us, and to others those still small voice words He has whispered to our hearts. But we hold promises. And the Israelites have a promise too. They have a promise that as they walk in obedience…don’t miss that….as they walk in obedience that He is bringing them into a land that is now inhabited but a bunch of “Ites”! Think “royal pains.” And then He says this. “I will destroy them completely.” Wow! Now that is a promise. You obey. I will lead. I will destroy. You get beautiful land. Does it get much better than that.

And then He says, “…but I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals would multiply and threaten you. I will drive them out a little at a time until your population has increased enough to take over the land.”

Wow did this speak to me today. There is an “Ite” in our life. A situation that just a few days ago me and Philly thought we might have found a solution for only to get the email that “we can’t help you at this time.” It was such a desire of my heart to be able to accomplish and yet the door remains shut. And so I walked into the prayer closet, opened my hands, and said, “Lord, I don’t understand but I trust you.”

As I read this today I’m reminded that God sees our big picture. We have our promises. And me and Philly do. God has given us a specific promise that one day all that we need will be there to take care of this “ite” in our life. But for whatever reason, at this moment, the need for this “ite” to remain outweighs the removal of it.

If God had removed all the “ites” from Israel’s life they would have then been prey for even more enemies. Wild animals. And I don’t know about you but being gnarled to death doesn’t sound like an attractive alternative. So, God in His love, protection, grace and Father’s heart, removes the “ites” a little at a time.

What is your “ite?” Can you trust God with it? Can you rest in the fact that He is working while it remains? That maybe He is still teaching you something you need to learn. Maybe to have your “ite” removed would put you right back into a situation that is just as dangerous, painful, or allow you to fall back into an old pattern of behavior that didn’t do you any good before. I know God has much to still accomplish in me and Philly through our “ite.” I also rest much easier knowing that it is He who is in control not, the “ite”. God is the one working on our behalf as we obey.

Rest in that today. Little by little. Piece by piece. Day by day. Month by month. God is working on your behalf to accomplish the promise He has given to bring about the complete removal of your “ite”. Trust Him in the journey. There is no one more trustworthy than He.




Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.