Introducing: Trisha Wilson


Trisha, what was it that you felt God laid on your heart when you heard about the Next Experience?

Almost immediately, all I could think about was moving to Nashville to help with the Next Experience. My heart started pounding and I was having this internal debate with myself: “Whoa. There’s no way that’s from God. I totally just made that up myself.” I was at a place in my walk with the Lord where I really wasn’t sure if what I felt was directly from him or if it was some crazy idea my own brain concocted — but with the way my spirit jumped during that luncheon, I felt strongly that I was supposed to participate in some capacity. Even in college when I decided to become a high school math teacher, I knew I wouldn’t be in the classroom my entire career. Little did I know that God had such an adventure in store for me…

What has it been like to completely uproot yourself from your hometown and the only place you’ve ever lived, Camden, SC?

People kept telling me, “I could never do what you’re doing! You’re so brave!” I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. Then I found myself dreading the one day a week most of us look forward to: Saturday. I couldn’t just call up my best friend for a spur of the moment trip to Panera and Bath & Body Works. My youngest brother wasn’t nearby to play Rummikub with me. I’ve actually had to sit in the middle of a type of loneliness I’ve never experienced before; a loneliness I used to have control over and the ability to combat. I’m still trying to figure out what to do with it and what the Lord is trying to teach me (and maybe even trying to uproot out of my heart!). That’s been the toughest part of this transition, in all honesty. But it doesn’t compare to the joy I’ve experienced as I’m meeting so many wonderful people and learning so many wonderful things about what all my new surroundings have to offer!     

What are you most excited and expectant about regarding The Next Experience?

One of the biggest things I knew I was going to miss about teaching was the ability to develop relationships with students. I worked so hard to make sure they knew I loved them and that they were safe with me. And the Lord knows that’s a detail of my job I valued the most — because he’s placed me in position to keep doing that in the Next Experience. Being able to continue building relationships with students in this new context with the added bonus of helping walk with them as a spiritual leader makes my heart simply leap with joy and expectancy.

What do you believe God has in store for you as well, as you pour into these young people over the course of this next year?

Like Denise frequently says, “Teaching teaches the teacher.” I believe the Lord is going to take what I already know and have experienced about Him and continue to expand on those things taking me deeper into relationship with him.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.