Introducing: Regi Stone


Regi, can you share with our readers a little of your story, how God brought you to Nashville and what created in you the heart for worship that you have?

As far back as I can remember music has been part of my life. Twenty years ago Nashville opened its arms to us and in that time we’ve enjoyed unforgettable experiences with so many wonderful people. Although my relationship with Christ began pre-Nashville, it’s here that I came to learn how much bigger worship is than what I’d ever known. Worship has become more than a few minutes during a weekend church service. It’s now part of my every day. You could say it’s changed my life.

What brought you to become a partner with Reclaiming Hearts and what has that journey been like for you?

Denise reached out and asked if I’d lead worship at a Bible study and suddenly it’s been three years. You know when you meet someone who is genuine? That’s a description of Denise and Philly. The decision to connect with Reclaiming Hearts was an easy one. Each year at our Weekend Experiences it’s like going home to see family. It’s an extra treat getting to minister with Denise, Philly, Ken, the entire team.

If you could share something with us about the power of worship, what would you want us to know?

When we worship, God’s power and rule will be established in and through us to flow to others. Worship and praise activate the presence of God to move in our lives, breaking strongholds. I like what Jack Hayford says about worship, “Where God’s presence is, there will be power. Where worship is released, God’s presence will abide.” Finally, we were created to worship — so God thinks it’s important too.

What do you do that makes your heart come alive?

Leading worship is one of my favorite things to do. It’s an opportunity to communicate with God in a way that is unlike anything else. I also love spending time at the beach or in my new home in Wyoming where the mountains boast of God’s majesty.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.