Introducing: Keith Parsons


Keith you have been such a gift to our Love Nashville team over these last four years. Can you share how you knew this was something you were to be a part of?

2 major things influenced me to consider being a part of Love Nashville. The first being we are called to be light in the darkness. And secondly, when Jesus used the parable of laborers needed for the “white” fields, I believe that these clubs fall into that category. Most of them are at a crossroads: life one way, death the other. I don’t need to convince them that something is wrong. They already get that. They are already actively and desperately trying to numb the pain from their constant and fruitless search for meaning, acceptance, and purpose. And the beautiful thing is that light shines brightest in the darkest spaces.

What has been the most significant encounter you have had with someone at the clubs?

My actual most significant times have been simply standing in front of the clubs when no one was there to talk and praying and singing praise and declaring God as king right there on the doorstep of the enemy. The Bible is clear that one day EVERY knee will bow. It is so very powerful to take the fight to the front-lines!

What would you offer someone who has never stepped out in a missional way such as this?

I will simply bring them back to what they call themselves, Christians. Initially the name came as an accurate observation: “little Christs” because of the way they followed closely and imitated Jesus. If we will live up to that name, then we will do what Jesus would do, go where He would go, and say what He would say. And we resonate most fully when we are walking in faith and obedience to the Lord. It is a huge humbling honor, and a much better use of your time than much else you could be doing.
Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.