Introducing: Edie Ross

Edie, you are one of the most alive people I know. When people are around you they can’t help but be impacted by the joy and life that you bring. But what do you do that makes brings your heart to life?

When I get to share the hope of Christ with women in need of a Savior and who are desperate for change — and I know the only thing that really works! I hold the answer!

Can you share a little bit about when your heart developed such a desire to minister specifically to women who are in places of such deep pain and brokenness?

About 14 years ago I was in a women’s Bible study group and we were going around sharing what made us fully alive. I said “ministry to women in need’. At that time, I didn’t even know what that meant…I just knew it was a calling on my life. I had gotten radically saved and set free about 6 years prior and I was just beginning to realize my true identity in Christ.

One of the many areas of ministry you’re involved in is teaching a class for women in prison. How did you get involved with this ministry in the first place and what has that experience taught you?

About five years ago, Joan Evrist had been leading a church service at the Tennessee Prison for Women for several years when she was approached by the prison chaplain to take over a domestic violence class. Joan invited me to co-teach this class with her knowing I had a heart for these kinds of women that had experienced tremendous trauma and abuse in their life and that were in desperate need of answers. Joan knew that I had come out of a first marriage where there was abuse and domestic violence. With God having redeemed, restored, and renewed my heart and life, this invitation was the perfect place to teach and love these women out of my own story and share of all Christ has done and that he now offers each of them.
Serving with Joan these past five years has been one of the greatest gifts to my heart. Walking on that campus each week, I am keenly aware of the amazing opportunity God has given us to set the prisoners free from darkness, as Isaiah 61 commands us to do. The women who attend our class know they have a problem and we know we have the the only answer that works: Jesus! It is a 9 week class and to watch those women go from a completely shut down heart and hopeless to a transformed, alive heart full of hope is one of my greatest rewards.

Like I said earlier, you’ve been with Love Nashville since we first started — and we are so grateful for your dedication to this ministry. Would you tell us about one of the most impactful encounters you’ve had during your time with Love Nashville and why it impacted you the way it did?

There was one night our Love Nashville team went out and the women in the club were not interested in us at all. As the Lord led all four of our team members to the front desk/lobby area, we knew why and for whom we had come. We each stood around this beautiful girl at the lobby desk as she quickly told us she had a real problem that was wrecking her life. Her vulnerability, honesty, and desire for change moved us all to our core. We each shared with her parts of our stories and the hope of the Lord. We laughed, we cried, and even made up a little cheer! It was such an obvious Holy Spirit-led, divine encounter. We went to our car in the parking lot weeping and rejoicing as we began to war in prayer for this young woman. I later got the privilege to meet with and lead her to Christ. It is why we go, if even for one…

You’re a wife and mother in addition to all your ministry involvement. So how has that journey looked, as far as finding balance and juggling everything you have on your plate? What advice would you give to someone who may be overwhelmed with everything they have going on?

Beginning my day with the Lord in His Word, in prayer, and in listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit’s leading, are   foundational keys to being filled up, so that I, in turn, can be poured out to those I serve and to my family. Guarding the time I have with my family, I believe, is just as important to the heart of God as any other assignment He has given me. Keeping healthy boundaries with my ministry time and my family time brings balance, peace, and rest. Having Godly counsel over me that I am accountable and submissive to, as well, is God’s plan to help me walk in wisdom to guard my time, talents, and treasures.

Okay, you’re not allowed to think more than 5 seconds on this question: What is the first Bible verse that comes to your mind right now and what does it mean to you?

Isaiah 61: “The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to blind. To set at liberty those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of he Lord.”
It doesn’t matter how many times or where I hear or read this verse, it always seems like a fresh word, calling to me personally. It is as if I hear the Lord call me by name. It is who He created me to be.
Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.