Introducing: Carrie Parsons

So since we recently had the pleasure of interviewing your husband, Keith, let’s start with one of the questions we asked him: what has it been like serving in this capacity alongside your spouse?

Serving alongside my husband, Keith, in this ministry has been such a blessing! This is currently the one area of our life where we get to minister together. We share the same heart for both men and women to know their true identity in Christ and live up to their full potential, so it’s very natural for us to minister together in this capacity on this team.

You two really are such assets to this team, Carrie…we’re tremendously grateful for your dedicated hearts to this ministry and to the Kingdom. How and why did you first get plugged in with Love Nashville?

I started serving with the ministry several months after they started. Someone who is already on the team reached out to me thinking that I could be a good fit to go into the clubs and minister to the women. I knew immediately that it was something I wanted to try and I felt pretty confident that it would be a good fit for me. After going the first time, I made a commitment and have been serving on a monthly basis or every other month since!

When you aren’t ministering in the clubs, what kinds of things do you enjoy doing, what are those things that make you come alive?

I enjoy doing a lot of things outside as serving on this team but it’s definitely a highlight of my month! I just started a new job and so I’ve been enjoying learning more about health and wellness and chiropractic care now that I’m working in my chiropractor’s office. I love spending time with my husband and my girlfriends, love taking long walks in the field behind our house or in the woods, and I really enjoy reading a good book… on the beach or by the pool!  What makes me come alive? Honestly, ministering to young women makes me come alive. Being able to sit down either one-on-one or in a small group and impart practical wisdom and insight in order to help them take steps forward and grow is definitely my sweet spot. I never tire of taking that journey with young women. It’s really what lights the fire in me!

You know firsthand how much time it has taken for Love Nashville to begin seeing the progress it has witnessed over the past year or so. What would you say to someone who has faithfully served for quite a while exactly where the Lord put them, but they have yet to experience much, if any, direct fruit from their labors?

Not all ministries are the same because not all people are the same. Some work requires more sowing up front before you see fruit and Love Nashville is one of those ministries. Of course, I think one should always take a step back and reassess and reevaluate what you’re doing from season to season so that you can ensure you’re always being led by the Holy Spirit and not relying on plans and structures to never have to change. It’s important that we not get too busy or too familiar with our ministries that it turns into a machine that’s not fueled by the strategies of the Holy Spirit. Another thing to point out regarding sowing seeds and bearing fruit: Our responsibility is to sow the seeds and God’s responsibility is to bear the fruit; so if we carry our responsibility and let God carry His, then we can take the pressure off of ourselves of having to see fruit grow. I think for those of us that have been sowing in one area for a very long time, we have to guard against discouragement and false responsibility. Continue to release your thoughts and plans for your ministry to the Lord so that you can can you to enjoy the blessing of serving!!!
Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.