Introducing: Carrie Parsons

We are so grateful for your heart for this ministry, Carrie. How did you first encounter Love Nashville and what was it that drew you to becoming a part of this ministry?

I first encountered Love Nashville almost 5 years ago. One of our team leaders invited me to be a part of one of the outreaches as she felt I would be a good fit for the ministry. I knew that first night that first of all, most women are not going to be called to go into these clubs and secondly, I was called and knew I could handle it and could minister in that type of setting. I also love sharing God’s heart with women. Although I was never a part of doing anything like these women do, I know what it feels like to believe your only value lies in your looks and your body. God set me free years ago from that type of bondage and gave me a new nature, a new identity, and solidified in me my great value in Him. How can I not share that with these women who make a living by their physical beauty?


Last month we interviewed your husband, Keith, who also faithfully serves with Love Nashville. What’s it like serving alongside him each month and sharing these experiences together?

Serving alongside my husband in this type of ministry is like the greatest adventure ever!!! I have seen both of us grow and flourish in our boldness to share the gospel. We love being able to pray for those we encounter even in the days following our outreach, and it’s so helpful to have someone to process with who is experiencing what I am. Although the men that go with us never enter the club, as they stand outside guarding and praying, they are warring against the same spiritual darkness that we war against inside the club. Ministering together like this has unified us even more as a couple and I believe we feel we can minister to just about any one the Lord puts in our path as a result of the training this ministry has provided.


Can you share with us about an outreach experience that has significantly impacted you and why it was so impactful?

My most memorable and significant outreach occurred a few years ago. First, let me say that although I pray with these girls and share the love of Jesus with them, I have learned that a portion of my role on this team is to walk in prophetic discernment and to boldly share with my team what I am sensing for the night. On this particular occasion, the teams were gathered at church prior to the outreach to pray. I had a very clear picture of a black dancer, saw clearly what she looked like, and also sensed that a particular team member would encounter her and that it would be incredibly significant. I, in faith, shared the vision with the 2 teams and also with the team member I believed would encounter her. That night, I was on a different team than this team member who I sensed would encounter this black dancer, but I heard later that night that she met a dancer who fit exactly the description I gave. This dancer was our first fruits of a girl coming out of the clubs. She was the first to leave the clubs and start discipleship. I have learned since that time to never be afraid to share what I am prophetically seeing in the Spirit.


If you could only choose 1 word to sum up your journey with Love Nashville these past few years, what would it be and why?

ADVENTUROUS (I call our team the Charlie’s Angels for Jesus!)


Committing to regularly serve in any capacity isn’t a small thing. What wisdom would you pass on to someone who may be feeling that tug from the Holy Spirit to enter a new and different place of ministry?​

First, pray. Spend some time in prayer to ensure you are hearing from the Lord and moving in faith and not in feelings. Second, share what you are sensing with trusted people and ask for their prayer partnership and also their input. Third, if you feel 98% sure you are to step out in a new ministry assignment but you aren’t 100% sure,  shadow an outreach or someone who is a part of the ministry to see if that brings the remaining confirmation you need. And fourth, when you get a green light, DON’T DELAY!  The grace and strength you need for a new undertaking will be available. God will not call you to something without providing what you need to do it!

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.