Ever needed a helper? The big project? The Thanksgiving dinner? The last minute cleaning because you just found out company is coming? The screaming deadline? The thought you can’t remember? The legal matter? The financial crisis? Don’t you love helpers in those moments? They guide, they comfort, they intercede, they advocate, they counsel, they help.
I stand perpetually in need of help. And I am sure you do to. But did you know that there is a help continually available to us? Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 15:26, “But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. Until Jesus died, and ascended back into heaven after His resurrection, the Holy Spirit had up until that point, “come upon” people. It was usually a marking of specific power, or need or purpose. He was “upon” Moses, David, the prophets. But something life-changing, earth-shaking happened for us when Jesus died. Now, the Spirit of God would not just be part of our image, but He would know reside in our heart for those who were willing to accept Jesus as their Savior.
And He is described as the Helper.
Strong’s tells us that Helper comes from the word “parakletos”. “Para” – beside. “kaleo” – “to call” – So, basically, “to call to one’s side.” I say quite often, especially when I travel and leave things at home, or leave things at the hotel, “I need a baby-sitter!” Someone that is always there walking with me, doing life with me, seeing the things I leave undone, reminding me of things that are vital, that I may have forgotten. Someone to help me.
But I have this. I’m not calling the Holy Spirit a baby-sitter, but what He is, is one who comes along beside us. He walks with us through the simple and through the extraordinary. He helps us understand scripture. He helps us call to mind scripture we have read when we need it most. He offers us the fruit of the Spirit as we become more like Christ. He tugs on our heart when we need patience, or the kindness might be lacking. He is the one who invites us to use the power that is His. He is an advocate for us when we need one most, revealing to other’s hearts the truth of who we are, or what we did, or what we said. He fights with us and for us. He helps us….
Dwell on that today. You are helped. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you need the most help. And then listen. He will tug. He will prick. He will help. And you will discover that the more you listen for Him, yield to Him, you will become like Jesus. And the fruit of the Spirit will grow more available, more mature, more sweet, and more ready to be picked for someone else who might need a little help.