So glad you’ve decided to stop by and say hello! We have some great things on the horizon. Some powerful books coming out and a new website on the way! Until then you can check out our the two latest novels and our next Love Nashville outing! And we also have some musings you might enjoy – So, sit back, grab a Coca-Cola and let’s enjoy the journey as God’s writes our stories…

Love Nashville
This year a group of churches came together to love on the women of our city. Women who had forgotten their value.
Women who could be our sisters.
Women who could be our children.
From that LoveNashvilleTN was born.
Our next Love Nashville Prayer and Preparation Night is this November 6th at 6:30 at New Song Christian Fellowship in Cool Springs.
We are asking Ladies to come bring mugs and hot chocolate packets. For more information please visit:
Please watch our video on our page to learn more about what this powerful ministry is doing.