What our hearts need

A brief pause on my thoughts on the Holy Spirit, yet, I am more awakened to my need for Him more and more everyday. As our ministry team has now just come back from our Weekend Experience in Water Color I struck once again by the detailed love of our Father. But even more than that I am struck by the exceptional need of the Holy Spirit.

We talked about the fact that He is our Comforter. And oh the comfort that the hearts needed this past weekend. They came, many in the deepest places of their pain, their doubts, their questions, their longings. I have no divinity degree. I have a degree in Journalism and a Two-Year Bible Leadership Certificate. I hold no Counseling degree that gives me wisdom to navigate the intricate workings of our soul. But what I hold is a deep love for Jesus and years of learning how to listen to the Holy Spirit.

And I need Him. I need all that God holds for me. I need His heart for me. I need Jesus’ sacrifice for me. And I desperately need the Holy Spirit’s guidance to me.

As God navigated the at times messy waters of the lives who joined us, what I witnessed was hearts that came so broken, so hungry and the healing balm of the Holy Spirit that held free reign and unhindered access.

I’ve learned that when the Holy Spirit is unhindered by our legalistic, comfortable, prejudiced, or narrow box, wow what He can do! In fact, I am learning more and more how often His heart is grieved by our lack of belief that He is capable of all that He says He is capable of. But this weekend, these hearts were wide open believing that every fruit, every gift was theirs. And they left different than they came.

God reminds me over and over again that the Holy Spirit is limited by me and me alone. Everything He possesses is mine to hold, to enjoy and to benefit from. And this weekend, forty eight people in a beautiful home, in a breathtaking environment, experienced the bold, breath of the Holy Spirit and we are different having been there.

If that is the environment you long for, then join us in October. We have no doubt He will be there ready to receive our wide open hearts.


Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.