Happy 4th of July!

I was sitting in church this past Sunday morning when the orchestra began to play a beautiful medley of patriotic songs. Visuals of some of the most impacting moments in our nations history from the beaches of Normandy to 9/11 ran across the large screen. Then they began to play the different theme songs of the the armed services. And as each branch’s song was played people who had served in those branches stood.

One elderly gentleman just a few pews over threw up his arm and shouted a big “Hooah!” It is a common word among soldiers used often to boost morale and get the troops rallied.

Philly looked at me and said, “Wow, he’s into it isn’t he.”

I studied the old man’s ruddy face and the red eyes that peered behind his wire rimmed glasses perched atop his full cheeks and said, “I bet he’s seen things we will never imagine.” I couldn’t get away from him. The fullness that dwelt inside of him. The day he made the decision to join the armed forces. The day he stepped into the britches of his new uniform. The day the scissors touched his head and determined his new hairdo for the next years of his life. The boot camp. The training. The battle. The loss. And in that moment, standing in a church in Franklin, Tennessee , he knew things we never would. And in that came a deep well of pride, gratitude…something, well something real.

I have often wondered why I was born into the family that I was. Why, of all the parents in the world were the ones chosen for me that I got. Not because I’m disappointed, in fact, even with all of our stuff I am very grateful, but just in a wondering way. But on this Sunday I wondered for the first time, why was I born here. Why God did you choose to put me in this nation – and at this time in history? Why did I get the privilege to be born in a nation built on Christian principles with a desire to serve Christ and to love others built into our very infrastructure? But I did…and you did…

For whatever reason this is our heritage, our homeland, our birthright. Some of us have fought to keep it free with our hands and others of us fight today with our prayers. Both are valuable and necessary. As we celebrate today with Coca-Cola, hamburgers or bar-b-cue, with good friends and fireworks, if you’re not under a fireworks restriction, may we take a moment to ask our Creator- why did you put me here? And what can I doto impact where you’ve planted me? We aren’t here because we just happened to show up on American soil. We are here because God had a strategic and purposeful plan in mind. Let’s not miss it. God Bless America and God use us in this amazing nation you have planted us in and privileged us to live.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.