Goodbye to my sweet Uncle James

He always loved me…when I was little he was pushing me in the stroller and when we passed the taxidermist he said he wanted to take me in and have me stuffed. Thankfully he didn’t. He was a preacher from the time he was sixteen years old following in the footsteps of his father, he was a husband for 64 years to Aunt Betty, a father to three beautiful children Dexter, Dana and Marla, the oldest boy in eleven children and the uncle to a whole bunch of us…

He was my mom’s pastor, which is the sole reason she met my Father. He married them, dedicated me and could talk baby talk like no one’s business. I believe he is the author of it if you want to know the truth. The last time I saw him I was in Vero Beach on a book tour for The Will of Wisteria. My cousin Dexter and his wife Tammy brought Aunt Betty and Uncle James to see me because I was only in town for a few hours. Uncle James gave me a few kisses and then wondered off to do one of his favorite things, look at books…runs in teh family. Tammy was given responsibility of watching him and at some point we lost him. How do you lose an 82 year old?  Too funny…I knew then it might be the last time I’d get to see him. And it was.

This morning, at 82,  he went home to be with the Lord. He had just told my cousin Dexter that he was ready to go home to be with his Father. And now he is…just one more investment for me and my family in eternity. A faithful servant. Be at peace…Well done. We will miss you…

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.