God Isn’t Caught off Guard

A few years ago Philly and I had the privilege to sit on the steps of the Roman Coliseum during a business trip.

Today, Italy and much of the world is being devastated by the coronavirus.

Last week as I listened to the news like all of you my heart rate increased. I sensed the fear as it grabbed hold of me like a vice grip.

Before the fear could take free reign, I stopped and asked, “Father, what do You want to say to my heart? Here. Now.”

I’ve learned this weapon through the years because fear is a terrorist.

Immediately the Lord spoke Isaiah 26:3:

“I will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on me. Because he trusts in me.”

Friends, the same God who ruled during the plagues of Egypt and through the terrorism that was the Roman Coliseum still rules today!

Our responsibility? Keep our minds on Him. Trust Him.

Not our circumstances.
Not the stock market.
Not the pandemonium.
But our faithful, God of Angel Armies, Father…

And pray.

Pray for our leaders.
Pray for a quick cure.
Pray for salvation as desperation is a great access for God’s truth.
Pray for protection.

And continue to give… don’t hoard.

The God who brought manna from Heaven to feed children in a desert for 40 years can take care and provide for His people so we can continue to live with the hearts of generosity.

God is not caught off guard. Nor is He asleep. And He hears our every prayer…

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.