So everyone knows one of my favorite things about life are my nieces and my nephew. Nothing that I love more than spending time with them. And a year ago, I finally got one that lives near me. Georgia Ryan was born on June 3rd and we just celebrated her big #1!

She and I usually have our weekly “hang out” night. She loves me to read to her, loves to watch me play Ms. PacMan (which I hold the high score on my brother’s machine, over 200,000…just in case you were wondering. It drives him crazy that he can’t beat it.) I’m breaking her into Coca-Cola and she is melting what ice may remain around my heart.

They say your own children have your heart like you could never imagine. I just don’t know. Because there are five little ones that aren’t mine, that I’d do anything for and couldn’t imagine loving anymore.
So here’s to Georgia’s day…And that smile on her face, is nothing to compare to the one it puts on mine…