First Word that comes to mind
Animal- skunk
Space- huge
Gun- Annie Oakley
Boys name- Thomas ( I have no idea why) But it was one of my uncle’s names.
Girls name – Suzy (Again no clue- You asked for the first thing)
Paper- Homework
Color- Ochre (For all you southerners that is not the same thing as okra.)
Letter of the alphabet- Z
Clothing- jeans
Food- fried chicken- (Hey you started it!)
Drink- Dr. Pepper (That one’s going to drive you crazy isn’t it…)
Smell- skunk (Back to number one)
Bubbles- Lawrence Welk
Pink!!!- Bubble Gum (You already had me thinking about bubbles!)
Smartie- Pants
Orange – Julius
shoes- comfy
Happy- Gilmore ( And I’ve never even seen that movie..)
Random word- Word (Well, it was the last thing in my head…)