Facebook Friday

Have you ever taken a picture of your eye?:
Not on purpose.

Do you actually have a favorite flower?

Can you change a printer cartridge?
Yes, and when I had a VCR I could program that too!

Do you have sensitive skin?: to what…….?

Do you recognize Justin Timberlake’s songs?
No…But I do recognize Justin Timberlake.

When did you last have a cookie?
I can’t remember.

Are you lactose intolerant?
I’m fortunately very tolerant of lactose.

Are you a sarcastic person?
Check out last answer.

Who were you in middle school?
Denise…was that a trick question?

Have you worn lipstick before (even as a joke)?
Yes, and it wasn’t a joke! I lived through the 80’s!

Do you judge a person by how they dress?
Only if it is my brothers wearing a dress! Which both have done and I have pictures to prove it.

Do you have a credit card?
Yes, but don’t tell Dave Ramsey.
And I only charge if I can pay…You can tell Dave Ramsey that.

Do you honestly watch very much TV?
I’m addicted to the food network.

How many emails accounts do you have?

How many do you get a day?                                                                                                       I don’t even want to think about it…

Are YOU smarter than a fifth grader?
Not if you go by the answers I give when I’ve watched that show.

Would you ever go on that show?
Absolutely not!

Are you comfortable with your looks?
Is anyone?  Besides Cyndi Crawford…

Have you ever been ripped off?
Yes, last time I went to McDonald’s they didn’t fill my Coke to the top…

Do you ever wish you were the opposite sex?
Only when I’m standing in line at the restroom.

Do you take pictures of yourself for your Myspace (or other site)?
No, my arms are too short!

When did you stop believing the opposite sex was “icky” or “had cooties”?
What? I thought…you mean really, they don’t…

Have you ever experienced a hurricane?
A couple. Lived through Hugo in our hallway convinced our house was going to fly away.

Do you honestly think brunettes are smarter than blondes and redheads?

Have you ever actually played tennis?

What’s your favorite kind of chocolate?

Can you make a weapon out of a tape measure?
I have hurt myself with it multiple times.

Did your grandparents spoil you?
My granny introduced me to Coca-Cola…enough said…

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.