Facebook Friday

Where do you spend your Christmas?
With the folks- in South Kakalaki.

Do you give presents out?
If you mean am I the distributor- no there are nieces and nephews now. Adults don’t even get to touch the gifts.

Do you pay when buying presents for other people?
Do you mean there is someone that would do that for me? You’ve got to be kidding me! Where has this piece of information been?

Have you ever spent Christmas away from home?
No did that this Thanksgiving and will never do that for another holiday!

Have you ever not bought presents for other people?
There are a whole lot of people out there I have never bought presents for before.

Do you get a stocking still?
Absolutely! Love it!

What’s your favorite Christmas song?
Silent Night

What is your favorite Christmas Carol?
I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus. Actually did once. In fact, I’m thinking he’s my baby brother’s daddy!

What is your favorite christmas Movie?
Elf and It’s A Wonderful Life.

Have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe?
As long as I had to think about this question, I’m thinking not.

What is your favorite Christmas food?
All Christmas food.

Do you have any Christmas traditions?
My favorite is our Christmas Eve- we have steamed shrimp, French fries, cole slaw and rolls. And then we exchange gifts between us siblings and my nieces and nephew and we give mom and dad their gifts. Love it…every part of it…

Who is the hardest person to buy a gift for?
The hard part is not buying gifts for myself when I’m out buying gifts for other people.

What do you want for Christmas
My old self would say, “World Peace.” My new self will say a new Mac laptop. All that therapy has done wonders for me!

Santa or Rudolph? Santa

Stocking or presents? Stocking

Angel or star? Angel

Decorating the tree or putting lights on the outside? Decorating the tree

Warm cozy fires or sleigh rides? Cozy fire

Family time or friend time? Family time- they’re my friends too…

Expensive presents or presents that come from the heart? From the heart unless it’s a laptop.

Snow ball fight or snowman? Snow ball fight

Open presents quick or slow? Sllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooowwwwwww

Real tree or fake tree?
There should be nothing fake about Christmas.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.