Facebook Friday

Have you ever thought about monkeys escaping cages at the zoo?

-You’ve obviously never met my family…

Have you ever thought about being on a reality tv show?

-Yes, the Amazing Race- but most of you already know that. Sent in a tape about 5 years ago. Obviously didn’t work out too well.

Have you ever thought about cutting all your hair off and being a baldy?

-Actually, yes. One season on the Amazing Race this was one of the “fast forwards”. The girl didn’t do it. I decided then if I went on there I would so do it. Hoping I would end up looking like Demi Moore in G.I. Jane.

Have you ever thought about stuffing your bra (if you are a woman)?

– Excuse me all women who were at once between the ages of 10-13 have done more than “thought” about stuffing their bra.

Have you ever thought about sneaking into the movies?

– I actually did this in Middle School before I knew that it was actually stealing. My mother helped me realize it.

Have you ever thought about eating your kids Halloween candy?

– I don’t have children, but I actually took candy from three different children on Halloween. My word they had a pillowcase full!

Have you ever thought about writing a tell-all book about your family?

– I think Pat Conroy already did.

Have you ever thought about telling someone their breath stinks?

– I’m pretty certain I have- and I have been told anytime my friends have gone with me to the movies and endured my “parmesian and garlic” popcorn salt.

Have you ever thought about writing a letter to one of the Beatles?

– I don’t even know all their names…Donnie Osmond however…

Have you ever thought about owning a gun?

– I own a gun. However, it’s bullets aren’t in it and I haven’t learned how to shoot it yet.

Have you ever thought about changing your clothes in your car?

– I have done more than think about this.

Have you ever thought about buying those magazines in the grocery store checkout line?

– I’m certain you’re talking about Southern Living.

Have you ever thought about opening your kids toys and playing with them on Christmas eve?

– No, but I’ve opened my own and rewrapped them…And yes, my mother knows…now.

Have you ever thought about eating grapes/cherries/bananas in the grocery store before buying them?

– No, but potato chips. Yes.

Have you ever thought about how dog food tastes?

– This is crazy but I thought about it this morning. My dogs have a new food that looks like it has gravy in it that resembles my gravy from my country style steak. But all I did was wonder!

Have you ever thought about how long it would take to watch paint dry?

– I have a life…believe it or not.

Have you ever thought about getting your teeth whitened?

– Of course. I’m a girl.

Have you ever thought about dressing in black on a 100 degree day as a fashion statement?

– I think I did, but it wasn’t because I wanted to make a fashion statement. I was just dumb.

How you ever thought about creating a dumb survey?

– No, I’m just crazy enough to fill them out however.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.